Custom designed knives

Dan Chinnock

8850 Coral Reef Way

Panama City Beach, FL  32413

Member of the Knifemakers' Guild


2015-2023: If you would like to learn a little more about me and my partnership with Cabot guns, click here to be transported to my bio on their web site: 

2017-2021:  New partnership with Nighthawk Custom Click here to view their New pistols featuring my ivory. Nighthawk also sells 10 sets of my Cross-Cut ivory grips every month to their dealers.  Check out your local Nighthawk Custom dealer to see my grips. Just completed my 500th pair in December 2020!

December 2017:  Link to Wilson Combat 40th Anniversary boxed set with my ivory grips.  Click here.  Also appearing online at:

Personal Defense World  The Truth about guns  The firearm

February 24th 2024: Cabot Guns GOTM Club is one of the most exclusive & expensive 1911 clubs in the world.  My grips were featured in the past several release years.  Click here to see the club pistols of 2022 or here to see the 2023's or here to see the 2024's!!! :)

HOW IT WORKS:  On the day and time of listing, just send an email to this address:  Then within the body of the email tell me the grip number (i.e. GG895, etc), your name, telephone number, and whether the grips will need to be cut for an ambidextrous safety(etc).  Emails will be checked to see who was 1st in requesting a specific set of grips.  Thank You, Dan

March 26th 2025:  The next listing is scheduled for next week April 2nd 2025 @ 2:00pm central time!  It will have several great sets like my last Blue Mammoth from the very 1st tusk section I  bought back in 2006.  Even a perfect "white" set that looks like ancient Elephant.  Just some great eye candy,  Dan

To ensure there will be a good selection on listing day, future listings will be approximately every 6-8 weeks.

Remember!  Refresh your browser page at 2:00pm or you may not see the new grips.  Some customers even have to close their browser and then re-open it to clear out the old page of       Thanks, Dan 


GG1730 - Limited Edition of Buck 110 Lock Back Folder

MAKER:  Buck & Dan Chinnock gg1730
BLADE SIZE:  3 1/2" 
OAL:  8 1/2" 
BLADE: 440 Stainless
HANDLE: Synthetic blue Mother of Pearl
BOLSTERS: Engraved Nickel Silver

COMMENTS:  The Buck 110 is considered the most popular & the most sold knife in the United States.  Last estimate is over 5 million.  99.9% of them only with brass bolsters.  These are a limited edition series of 25 and there will never be any more.  I had the blades Color Case Hardened for that old time look.  I then added Nickel Silver bolsters with a heavy stippled pattern.  Will be one of the most durable and functioning knives you may ever own.  Great for the glove box when emergencies arise. Hand hone for razor sharpness

 Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: numbered  16 & 17   SOLD

 Thanks S!

GG1738 - High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 grips, Flipper knife, Key Fobgg1738

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth with vertical bark lines that run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  Now you have multiple ways to show off your ivory.  Flipper knife, key fob and grips all came from the same piece of tusk!  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.  I coin this type as "lifers" since they will likely outlast you:)

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  $590 sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1737 - Book Matched Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1737

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled, and notched if desired.

COMMENTS: Seriously ancient set that will be the perfect compliment to any black or series 70's pistol.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  I promise you will love them! Super dense and durable, these will last a lifetime.

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   $425 sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1736 - Soft Caramel with Touches of Blue  Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1736

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Nice solid Mammoth that has a soft caramel & blue ivory overlaying white Mammoth that will look great on  any color pistol.  A high gloss gives them a great mint condition look and will be a great set for an every day carry black pistol.  Flawless in every way, these will likely out last your pistol and make a nice investment as Mammoth ivory becomes more and more scarce.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Byron!

GG1735  Black & Tan Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1735

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Rare set of black ivory on a cool layer of cream makes for a very dramatic set.  Has that warm buttery feel, but looks like black granite.  Click on the Picture to see how dramatic it looks on my Ed Brown Special Forces Pistol. Will be very durable for the range or as a carry.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Bradley!

GG1734 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 grips and Knifegg1734

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Another set of classic white Mammoth ivory.   If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols. Also, these come with a very cool flipper knife that lets you show off your Mammoth ivory without bringing a pistol everywhere.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $525 sold!

Thanks John!

GG1733 Maximum Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1733

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS:  Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel bevel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch or bobtailed.

COMMENTS:  Nice book matching with that deep blue & black that changes color in indoor or outside lighting.  Good as a safe Queen, a gun show, range shooting, or daily carry.  Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Will "pop" off any stainless or black pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $790 sold

Thanks Dale!

GG1732 - Heavy Crackle Matched Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1732

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled, and notched if desired.

COMMENTS: A set with heavy crackle bark & matched panels where the crackle lines just dance on the surface of each grip.  These even have some blue in the bark lines.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  I promise you will love them! Super dense and durable, these will last a lifetime.

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   $525 sold

Thanks Richard!

GG1731 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1731

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Another set of classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. The have a nice ripple of light and dark Mammoth swirls and grain pattern.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Key Fob lets you carry your ivory anywhere you go when you don't "Carry".  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $340 sold

Thanks Phil!

GG1729 - Officer/Compact Heavy Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips & Knifegg1729

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Heavy blue Mammoth gives these grips a radical & ancient look that will turn heads.  Also, these come with a very cool flipper knife that lets you show off your Mammoth ivory without bringing a pistol everywhere.

Need to mention 1st that these have a very high gloss creating the white reflections in my pictures.   Highly book matched, the caramel ivory is very rich and authentic and while not showing well in the pictures, the veining is actually a blue.  With the bold bark lines, this set will pop off of any color pistol.  You can have a lot of fun showing off these.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1728 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1728

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Another set of classic white Mammoth ivory.  The have a nice ripple of light and dark Mammoth swirls and grain pattern.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $390 sold

Thanks Jimmy!

GG1727 Alaskan Ancient Blue Crackle Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1727

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Really cool example of blue Mammoth.   Would make a fantastic 1st set for your collection with: ancient look, cool blues and cream ivory.  Fine for every day carry or the range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $620 sold

Thanks Michael S!

GG1726 - Rich Caramel, Touch of Blue, & High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1726

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Double thanks Jimmy!

GG1725 - Classic Mammoth ivory 1911 grips and matching fixed blade knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1725

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel beveled & MSH pin cut.

COMMENTS: Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory, is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  Both grips and knife will be very durable & will be a great investment since a matched set is seldom built due to difficulty in achieving a "match".  Nice heavy bark lines makes a bold statement on any full size 1911.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see other views of these grips and knife.

PRICE: $950  sold

As always thanks Bob!


GG1723 Alaskan Ancient Blue Crackle Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1723

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Really cool example of a crackle pattern that gives these that ancient look.  Would make a fantastic 1st set for your collection with: ancient look, cool blues and white ivory.  Fine for every day carry or the range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Michael S !

GG1722 - Touch of Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1414

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth with vertical bark lines that run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.  I coin this type as "lifers" since they will likely outlast you:)

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Mark!

GG1721 - Highly Book Matched Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1721

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled, and notched if desired.

COMMENTS: A set with perfectly book matched panels where the crackle lines just dance on the surface of each grip.  I went a little deeper on the ivory to remove some of the vertical lines and expose more white ivory.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  I promise you will love them! Super dense and durable, these will last a lifetime.

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Michael S !

G1719 Vibrant Blue & White Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1719

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: A very vibrant blue with extra pop coming from the white ivory.  Posting on social media will get you tons of "likes" with these.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.  These are my last set that has this look & color pattern.

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Shane S !

GG1718 - Book Matched Crackle Bark On White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1718

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Also, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled, and notched if desired.

COMMENTS:  These are totally smooth & with a high gloss.  They are perfect in every way and are well suited for the range, daily carry, or as a set on a presentation pistol.  When people see these they often reach out with one finger and pet the ivory like they are touching a butterfly (yes they are that cool). A rare set with perfectly book matched panels where the crackle lines run just along the surface.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  These came from the same tusk as GG1721 and they will be very durable.  Like many years after you and I are gone.

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks John E !


GG1717 - Book Matched Crimson Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1717

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  I would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove the bark pattern and be all white.

COMMENTS:  I have had these in my collection since I 1st started building ivory grips.  The deep red came from the gold found in the soil with the ivory.  So I always felt they had a certain warmth to them and never wanted to sell.  They must be at least 15 years old, but are still in mint condition and so they will be super durable and fine for all types of full size 1911's.  Click on the picture to see them on both my black and stainless pistols.  They really add "pop" to my pistols and they will do the same on yours

PRICE:  sold


GG1716 - Case Colored Engraved Tanto Knife with Matching White Crackle Mammoth ivory  1911 grips.gg1716

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock & Bobby Tyler

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS: I love this pattern on Mammoth ivory and I was fortunate to have a single piece of tusk for both the grips and knife.  Having both pieces keeping white ivory at the head and the toe creates a dramatic effect.  The brilliant blue and bronze case coloring came out perfect on the blade and the engraved bolsters definitely kicks it up a notch.  This took years to bring together and, now partially retired, I don't expect I will try another at this level of detail. 

Click on the picture to see other views of the knife and grips.  Blade is 4 inches long, overall length is 9 inches, scales are book matched and silver pinned.  Comes with a leather sheath & suede lined pouch for long term storage.  Grips and knife will ship immediately to their new home.



GG1715 - Officer/Compact Caramel With Blue Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Need to mention 1st that these have a very high gloss creating the white reflections in my pictures.   Highly book matched, the caramel ivory is very rich and authentic and while not showing up in the pictures, the veining is actually a dark blue.  I made sure that no bark lines went all the way through and so it is going to be a very durable set that will not break under range or daily carry.  With the bold bark lines, this set will pop off of any color pistol.  You can have a lot of fun showing and shooting these.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1714 - Ancient White Mammoth Ivory With Touches Of Bark  1911 gripsgg1714

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Another set of classic Ancient ivory with just some light bark in between the bushing holes.  The "white" ivory has some great color depth letting you see the growth rings at the heels of each panel.  Letting everyone know that these grips truly come from the great Wooly Mammoth that roamed during the last ice age.  Will be very durable and will work well for both daily carry or the range.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks again & again Mark!

GG1712 - Officer/Compact Heavy Blue Lined Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, MSH pin notch, and/or beveled heel.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   This is a fun set where  Mother Nature took thousands of years to create vertical lines in the ivory and the soil must have had sufficient iron in it to turn these areas blue.  Great contrast between the ancient cream ivory and the blue vertical veins.   Book matching gives them that extra kick in value.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Mark!

GG1711 - Book Matched Crackle Bark On White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1711

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  I would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove the bark pattern and be all white.

COMMENTS:  These are totally smooth & with a high gloss.  Been in my collection for over 10 years.  They are perfect in every way and are well suited for the range or as a set on a presentation pistol.  When people see these they often reach out with one finger and pet the ivory like they are touching a butterfly (yes they are that cool). A rare set with perfectly book matched panels where the crackle lines run just along the surface.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special. 

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)


THANKS DUNCAN (Nice to hear from you again!)

GG1710 - Officer/Compact Heavy Blue Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, MSH pin notch, and/or beveled heel.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   This set has the always desired multi-shades of blue.  Best seen in outdoor light.  Will be very durable and feels soft in the hand.  Highly book matched adds to their value.  You can have a lot of fun showing and shooting these.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale (WELCOME BACK!)

GG1709 - Book Matched Light Bark On White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1709

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS:  Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Can be cut for Mainspring housing Pin & heel bevel.

COMMENTS: Nice set of white ivory with contrasting caramel bark running vertical between bushing holes.  Great classic look on any dark pistol.  Will be very durable for:  Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  These work well at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Jim!

GG1708 - Officer/Compact Blue Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Can be cut for Mainspring housing & bevel but, please note, these steps will remove blue from the heel.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  

The always desirable "Blue Mammoth" in a Officer/Compact size.  Will be durable in any setting.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Love the look on my Kimber CDP

PRICE:    sold

Thanks Bob! (glad to hear from you again)

 G1707 Vibrant Blue & White Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1707

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: A very vibrant blue with extra pop coming from the white ivory.  Posting on social media will get you tons of "likes" with these.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Mark!

GG1706 - Officer/Compact Cream Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety and/or notched for mainspring housing pin.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  

Nice set of light cream grips with good book matching.   Already beveled for soft feel, these are ready for the range or on your daily carry.  These will be a very durable set.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Love the look on my Kimber CDP

PRICE: sold

A double thanks Bob!

GG1705 - Cream Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1705

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Ivory: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: N/A  Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Nice set of Mammoth Tooth with white enamel and rich cream dentine (as it formed 10,000 years ago.)  Due to the complicated inlay process of Tooth into G10, I only do 1-2 pair of these a year.  It's not fun!  Add pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.  The black bezel further enhances the dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brian!

GG1704 - Officer/Compact Cream Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  

Nice set of light cream grips with the classic crackel lines seen in Mammoth ivory.  Already beveled and notched, these are ready for the range or on your daily carry.  These will be a very durable set.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Love the look on my Kimber CDP

PRICE: sold


GG1702  Bobtailed Alaskan Deep Water Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1702

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Here is a nice bobtailed set in heavy deep water blue.  This ivory is a nice example of the type of ivory Alaskan people find along the river banks.  Pictures tell the best story.  They will be very durable and last a long time at the range or as a daily carry.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jimmy!

GG1701  High Gloss Blue Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1701

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Ivory: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Very cool and rich blue color that really jumped when I polished them.  Flawless condition, these are going to look great on any color pistol.  Adds pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Woolly Mammoths. 

Woolly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years.  Even more, over a few years, these grips will begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take awhile, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Robert! (welcome to the team!!)

GG1700 - Rich Caramel High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1700

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Curtiss!

GG1427 - Soft Cream & Bronze Mammoth ivory 1911 grips and matching fixed blade knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1427

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel beveled & MSH pin cut.

COMMENTS: Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory, is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  I really like the new knife sheath where the belt loop swivels at a single point.  This allows the knife to swing out of the way when sitting down.  Both grips and knife will be very durable & will be a great investment since a matched set is seldom built due to difficulty in achieving a "match".  Don't forget to click on the picture to see other views of these grips and knife.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Anthony!

G1426 Vibrant Blue & White Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1426

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: One of the most vibrant blues I have built in a number of years.  Extra pop comes from the white ivory centered in bulls eye of the grips.  Posting on social media will get you tons of "likes" with these.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1425 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1425

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.  I coin this type as "lifers" since they will likely outlast you:)

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Tony B!  Welcome to the team. (love the Baer's)

GG1424 - Exhibition grade Highly Figured Arizona Ironwood 1911 Gripsgg1424

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Nice rich colors and pattern make these another great set of exhibition Arizona Ironwood grips.  Soft gloss gives a timeless look to any pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Colonel!

GG1422  Blue Veined Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1422

IVORY: Siberian

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Great example of blue Mammoth ivory.  Will look great on a stainless pistol, black or a 2 tone.  Nice heavy bark pattern.  They will be great for the range or daily carry since the pattern runs just along the surface.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks again John!

GG1421 - Officer/Compact Heavy Blue Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety and MSH pin notch

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   This set has a heavy blue green bark pattern that is best seen in outdoor light and serves well for a daily carry.  Will be very durable and with the heel beveled, they will feel soft in the hand.  Especially if your hands are on the small side. Highly book matched adds to their value.  You can have a lot of fun showing and shooting these.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Love the look on my Kimber CDP

PRICE:  sold

Thanks as always Bob!

GG1420 - Soft Cream & Tan Mammoth ivory 1911 grips and matching fixed blade knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1420

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory, is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  Both grips and knife will be very durable & will be a great investment since a matched set is seldom built due to difficulty in achieving a "match".  Don't forget to click on the picture to see other views of these grips and knife.

PRICE: sold

Thanks John!  (I will include polishing files)

GG1419 - Blue Bronze Bark Flames - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1419

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bevel heel, or notch Mainspring Housing pin.

COMMENTS:  This look is a favorite of dealers and manufacturers. Bold bark lines on white ivory creates a dramatic look on dark pistols. The bark lines start out heavy on the heel and then move up thinner to create an almost flame like appearance.   These vertical bark lines run just along the surface and so these will be a very durable set whether its for the range or for a daily carry.  A classic example of what Mother Nature can do to ivory if given a few thousand years.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they make my Ed Brown pop.  These will make any pistol look like a one-of-a-kind heirloom piece of functional art.

PRICE: sold

Excellent set Curtiss!

GG1418  Alaskan Heavy Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1418

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel bevel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch.  Note:  Beveling the heel will remove some of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Heavy blue in a very dense and milk chocolate cream backdrop, this ivory is a nice example of the type of ivory Alaskan people find along the river banks.  Pictures tell the best story. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Travis!

G1417 Ancient Caramel & Bronze Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1417

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: I have had these in my collection for over a year and they are still perfect in every way.  Truly ancient looking, this very dramatic set has an explosion of movement in the bronze/caramel and black patterns.  These will have a huge impact on the look of your pistol.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE: sold

Thanks Mike D!

GG1416 Blue Veined Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1399

IVORY: Siberian

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Great example of blue Mammoth ivory.  Will look great on a stainless pistol, black or a 2 tone.  Nice heavy bark pattern.  They will be great for the range or daily carry.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Jimmy!

GG1415 - Schreger Line Man Made Skip Line Checkered 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1415

IVORY: Man-made

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:


COMMENTS: These type of grips can only be found here  For a very long time I have wanted to offer my customers a white checkered grip that was a perfect alternative to real ivory and here it is.  These grips have fooled several law enforcement officials whose job is to enforce laws on Elephant ivory trade.  Fine layers of white and cream colored material have been layered dozens of times to simulate the schreger lines of real ivory. 

A special checkering, known as skip-line, creates dozens of small diamonds like the large double diamonds that appear at the bushing holes.  Both the large and small diamonds are highly polished to create "moving" reflections similar to when viewing a real diamond ring.  All of this results in a very sophisticated and elegant look for any of your 1911 pistols.  Click on the picture above to see multiple views of these grips on my pistol.  You will see some of these tiny diamonds reflecting the light and creating a very cool & one-of-a-kind look.  There are only 2 of these built and are labeled "proto types" on the back side.  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ben!

GG1414 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1414

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.  I coin this type as "lifers" since they will likely outlast you:)

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

The sleeper in this listing.  So cool feeling on my Ed brown!  Thanks Curtiss!

GG1413 Alaskan Ancient Blue Crackle Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1413

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Really cool example of a crackle pattern that gives these that ancient look.  Would make a fantastic 1st set for your collection with: ancient look, cool blues, bronze and white ivory, and super durable ivory.  Fine for every day carry or the range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Welcome back Dale!

Why Raw Mammoth Ivory is often called Mammoth Bark

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockggrawivory

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones


COMMENTS: People are often curious as to why Mammoth ivory is often called Mammoth Bark.  Also, I often say that I do not really know what colors or patterns will be found in the ivory until I start shaping and sanding the ivory.  HERE IS A PICTURE OF SOME RAW IVORY BEFORE I START SANDING AND SHAPING IT.  KIND OF LOOKS LIKE TREE BARK DOESN'T IT?  When I took this picture, I didn't have a clue what the final ivory grips would look like.  See the grips below vvvv  (GG1412)



GG1412 - Officer/Compact Heavy Bark On White Mammoth ivory 1911 Grips


ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips. This set was the yield from the raw Bark ivory just above this GG1412 listing.  Highly book matched, the white ivory is very rich and authentic.  I made sure that no bark lines went all the way through and so it is going to be a very durable set that will not break under range or daily carry.  With the bold bark lines, this set will pop off of any color pistol, but naturally the maximum effect will be on a dark pistol.  You can have a lot of fun showing and shooting these.  Major "pop" on a dark pistol!  Click on the pic!

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Love the look on my Kimber CDP

PRICE: sold

As always thanks Bob!

GG1411 - Caramel & Blue Mammoth ivory 1911 grips & Matched Fixed         Blade

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1411

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.


COMMENTS:  Taking more than a year to find matching ivories, this matched set finally came together this month.  Very distinctive look in the ivory where the tans are very ancient looking and the blues look like the blue flames you see in a gas pilot light in a kitchen stove or gas furnace.  They will come with my GripLocks for the grips and a nicely tooled leather sheath for the knife.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see both sides of the knife and how the grips look on 1 of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jimmy!  The "darks are fairly rare for me.  Nice set!!

GG1410 - Officers/Compact Cross Cut White Blue Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1410

Cross Cut in Black, Bronze, & White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for MSH pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Gorgeous and rich blues in a star burst pattern.  I have had these for 2 years in my personal collection and they have always stayed in perfect shape.  Gave them a final polish to make sure they have that high gloss mint look loved by Nighthawk and Nighthawk gun owners.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Super cool set Kirk.  Thanks!

GG1409 - Limited Edition of Buck 110 Lock Back Folder

MAKER:  Buck & Dan Chinnock gg1409
BLADE SIZE:  3 1/2" 
OAL:  8 1/2" 
BLADE: 440 Stainless
HANDLE: Synthetic blue Mother of Pearl
BOLSTERS: Engraved Nickel Silver

COMMENTS:  The Buck 110 is considered the most popular & the most sold knife in the United States.  Last estimate is over 5 million.  99.9% of them only with brass bolsters.  These are a limited edition series of 25 and there will never be any more.  I had the blades Color Case Hardened for that old time look.  I then added Nickel Silver bolsters with a heavy stippled pattern.  Will be one of the most durable and functional knives you may ever own.  Great for the glove box when emergencies arise. Hand hone for razor sharpness

 Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $190 Knife & sheath

number  #11    sold

Thanks Kirk!

GG1408 - Exhibition Grade Highly Figured Arizona Ironwood 1911 gripsgg1408

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Nice rich colors and pattern make these another great set of exhibition Arizona Ironwood grips.  Soft gloss gives a timeless look to any pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $210 sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1407 - Caramel Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 grips & Matching Fixed Blade

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1407

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Waiting for the right ivory, for both the grips and blade, takes awhile.  This matched set took 6 months to come together.  Its just a super cool set that came together perfectly.  They will come with my GripLocks for the grips and a sheath for the knife.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see both sides of the knife.

PRICE: $1100 sold

Thanks again Kirk!

GG1406 - Officers/Compact Ancient White Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1406

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for MSH pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Nice contrast for a black pistol, these are great when wanting the traditional look of ivory.  White & cream ivory makes these a nice upgrade for your conceal carry.  Will be extremely durable and fine for shooting.  Nice soft feel in the hand.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $350 sold

Thanks Russ!

GG1405 - Officers/Compact Vivid Blue Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1405

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  The rare and perfect representation of blue Mammoth and why it is so sought after.  The bark lines and color run just along the surface and so they will be very durable.  Works for that safe queen, carry or range use.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $600 sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1404 - Officers/Compact Light Bark Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1404

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Very cool "salt & pepper" look with the rich ivory moving from black to white.  I gave these a hardened gloss finish to bring clarity and 3-dimensional movement to these grips.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $370 sold

Thanks Mark!

GG1403 - Book Matched Blue Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1403

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: A rare set with perfectly book matched panels where the crackle lines are blue and just dance on the surface of each grip.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  I promise you will love them! I have had these in my collection for 2 years and they have stayed perfect in every way.  I have built over 3,000 pairs of Mammoth and have never seen where the blue is only in the bark lines.  Very cool set.

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $540 sold

Thanks Brett!

G1402 Ancient Caramel & Bronze Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1402

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Truly ancient looking, this very dramatic set has an explosion of movement in the bronze/caramel and black patterns.  These will have a huge impact on the look of your pistol.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE:  $640 sold

Thanks Tim!

GG1401  Deep Ancient Bronze in High Gloss Mammoth Ivory 1911 gripsgg1401

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $290 sold

Thanks Scott!

GG1400 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1400

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Has virtually all the colors found naturally in Mammoth ivory, this classic ancient ivory is at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range or next 2nd Amendment Barbeque. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $225 sold

Thanks Jeremy!

GG1398 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1398

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range or next 2nd Amendment Barbeque. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $250 sold

Thanks Adan!

GG1397 - Officers/Compact Cross Cut White Blue Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1397

Cross Cut in Black, Bronze, & White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for MSH pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $650 sold

Thanks Kirk!

GG1396 - Meteorite 1911 grips, Full size thin profile (or standard bushings)

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1396

IVORY: N/A 30 billion year old Meteorite

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: N/A Will work with an ambidextrous safety on a full size pistol.

COMMENTS:  I usually do just 1 pair a year.  There are less than 20 pairs in the world.  Here are my 2022 full Meteorite 1911 grips.  Click on the picture to see them mounted on a pistol and the "KeyFob" that comes with these grips.  Often called the Muonion Meteor, the full name is:  "Muonionalusta".  This Meteorite is the oldest of all Earth found Meteors and is believed to be older than Earth itself.  Just amazing.  Both panels exhibit the full crystal patterns unique to Meteorites and has the fine crystal patterns that "light up" when viewed at different angles under sun light.  These have a thin profile, but come with Carbon liners that can be placed between the pistol and grips to allow you to use your full size bushings.  A full video can be seen by clicking here or by going directly to and typing in these 4 key words: Meteorite, grips, 2022, Chinnock.  It is very informal and is just 2 1/2 minutes long.  I wanted you to see them in my hands and how I mounted them on my Ed Brown 1911.

PRICE: $1750 sold

Thanks  Bob!

GG1394 - Officers/Compact Ancient White Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1394

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for MSH pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Nice contrast for a black pistol, these are great when wanting the traditional look of ivory.  White & cream ivory, with a touch of bark lines, (black vertical lines) makes these a nice upgrade for your conceal carry.  Will be extremely durable and fine for shooting.  Nice soft feel in the hand.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $395 sold

Thanks again Adan! (really nice set!)

GG1393 - Book Matched Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1393

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: A rare set with perfectly book matched panels where the crackle lines just dance on the surface of each grip.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  I promise you will love them!  I have had these in my collection for over a year and they have stayed perfect in every way

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   $500 sold

Thanks Curtis! (my favorite in this listing)

GG1392 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1392

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Another set of classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. They have a nice ripple of light and dark Mammoth swirls and grain pattern.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $350 sold

Thanks Mike @

GG1391 - Skip checkered English Walnut & Meteorite 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1391

Material: English Walnut & 30 billion year old Meteorite

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones


COMMENTS: Highly figure English Walnut where we did a skip checkered cut into the walnut to achieve the exotic look of random diamonds appearing in the checkering pattern.  Then I inlaid 30 billion year old Meteorite, as a medallion, into the center of each panel.  As you can see in the pistol image (click on grip picture) a perfect etch has been achieved so that you will see sparkling crystals suddenly appear when viewing the grips at different angles.  Here is a chance to own functional art without spending $1,000s or even millions (e.g. Cabot's Big Bang Meteorite pistols!) of dollars for a pistol that has parts made from Meteorite.  Truly an Heirloom level pair of grips (and no 2 are ever alike).  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: $325 sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1390 - Limited Edition of Buck 110 Lock Back Folder

MAKER:  Buck & Dan Chinnock gg1390
BLADE SIZE:  3 1/2" 
OAL:  8 1/2" 
BLADE: 440 Stainless
HANDLE: Synthetic blue Mother of Pearl
BOLSTERS: Engraved Nickel Silver

COMMENTS:  The Buck 110 is considered the most popular & the most sold knife in the United States.  Last estimate is over 5 million.  99.9% of them only with brass bolsters.  These are a limited edition series of 25 and there will never be any more.  I had the blades Color Case Hardened for that old time look.  I then added Nickel Silver bolsters with a heavy stippled pattern.  Will be one of the most durable and functioning knives you may ever own.  Great for the glove box when emergencies arise. Hand hone for razor sharpness

 Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $150 each

# 9 & # 10  sold                sold out!


GG1389 Heavy Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1389

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel bevel & MSH pin notch will expose cream ivory similar to ivory at top bushing area.

COMMENTS:  Classic blue Mammoth saturated across both panels. Blue changes tones when viewed with indoor or  outdoor lighting.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. The colors are more true in the pistol picture.

PRICE: $450 sold

Thanks Kevin!

GG1388 - Ancient White & Caramel High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1388

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $290 sold

Thanks Brad!

GG1387 Bronze Bark  Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1387

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. 

COMMENTS:  Classic Bronze bark Mammoth & perfect book matching make these a heavily sought after set.  Already given a tactical bevel and MSH pin notch, these will be great for the range or as a conceal carry.  Ones like these never show up on GunBroker.  Great example of what can happen when ivory is in the soil for 10 to 30 thousand years. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: $440 sold

Thanks Jimmy!

GG1386 - Fillet Knife in Stainless Steel and Blue Weaved Carbon Fiber

MAKER:  Dan Chinnock gg1386
OAL:  12" 
BLADE: CPM154 steel
HANDLE: Carbon Fiber in blue & black weave.
BOLSTERS: Nickel Silver

COMMENTS:   2022 new knife design that has been tested in Canada for 8 days by 5 very experienced fisherman.  And it performed well!  Knife is soft in the hand, but the heavy curve in the bolster protects the hand from slipping onto the blade.  Custom carbon fiber handle & stainless steel blade allows it to work in wet conditions without worry of damaging or warping.  Water proof adhesive glue and silver pins prevents water from coming between the scales and the steel handle.  Ample flex at the tip for going around bones when piercing the flesh.  Much stiffer near the handle for when pressure is needed during long cuts for those perfect fillets.  Primary testing was performed on Walleye around 18 inches.  Comes with a water proof sheath.  Only thing left for me to do is etch my name on the blade.  Totally fun for me to try something totally new!!

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!


Thanks Duncan

GG1385 - Drop Point Fixed Blade in Mammoth Ivory

MAKER:  Dan Chinnock gg1385
OAL:  7 1/2" 
BLADE: CPM154 steel with thumb grooves along spine
HANDLE: Bronze & White Mammoth Ivory

COMMENTS:   Nice drop point hunter with perfectly matched ivory and great balance. Ivory should match up well with many of the grips I have sold in the past.   Comes with a fitted leather sheath.  Click on the picture to see both sides and its custom leather sheath.

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $495 sold

Thanks Bradley!

GG1384 - Light Bark on White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1384

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Cabot, Dan Wesson, and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing Pin notched.

COMMENTS: One of the most durable sets of grips I have ever made.  They just might outlast the pistol and certainly a multi-generational pair that can be past down in the family or to help sell the pistol when the time comes. Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Kirk!

GG1383 - Limited Edition of Buck 110 Lock Back Folder

MAKER:  Buck & Dan Chinnock gg1383
BLADE SIZE:  3 1/2" 
OAL:  8 1/2" 
BLADE: 440 Stainless
HANDLE: Synthetic blue Mother of Pearl
BOLSTERS: Engraved Nickel Silver

COMMENTS:  The Buck 110 is considered the most popular & the most sold knife in the United States.  Last estimate is over 5 million.  99.9% of them only with brass bolsters.  These are a limited edition series of 25 and there will never be any more.  I had the blades Color Case Hardened for that old time look.  I then added Nickel Silver bolsters with a heavy stippled pattern.  Will be one of the most durable and functioning knives you may ever own.  Great for the glove box when emergencies arise.

 Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE:  bOTH sold!

Thanks Eric!

GG1382 Cross Cut in Black, Bronze, & White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1382

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Explosion of rings in black and Bronze on these white ivory cross cut grips.  I love the colors on this highly book matched set.  Check out how they look on my pistol by clicking on the picture.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE: Sold!

Thanks Justin!

GG1381  Mammoth Ivory Key Fobsgg1381

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaskan

COMMENTS:  1 in white crackle cross cut, 1 in caramel & green, and 1 in heavy bronze crackle. Over the years I have exhibited my grips and knives at small local shows, high end jewelry stores, and all the way up to the largest show known as the Las Vegas SHOT show.  In every case the attendees act like they have been handed a piece of gold when I give them a ivory key fob.  They can finally show their friends and family what makes Mammoth ivory so special without carrying their pistol or knife with them everywhere they go.  Many folks have no idea what I am talking about when I describe my profession.  Then when I hand them an key fob they go "wow!" what do you do?  Where did you this stuff? Wow, that is so cool!  So here is a chance for you to be the cool kid with your friends, family, and coworkers.  Click on the picture to see these in a larger view. 


Thanks Jerry!

GG1380 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1380

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Another set of classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. The have a nice ripple of light and dark Mammoth swirls and grain pattern.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1379 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1379

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $275 sold

Thanks Colonel !

GG1378 Heavy and Complex  Green Mammoth Bark Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1378

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Lots of green & brown ticking give these a real ancient and complex pattern.  They will be extremely durable and great for a stainless or a dark pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. Truly investment grade that will be very durable for years to come.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1377 - Officers/Compact Blue Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1377

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   Nice set of durable grips for your conceal carry. Well book matched in heavy blue.  As many of you know, not many compacts become available.  Especially in blue.  These fill that desire. Will be extremely durable and stable.  I have had these many months in my personal collection.  Click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols!

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1376  Black & Warm bronze Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1376

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, beveled heel, MSH pin notch. 

COMMENTS:  Nice set of stealthy "black" Mammoth really works well on a stainless pistol or go stealth and put them on a dark pistol!  These grips will give your pistol that classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.   Click on the picture to see how they really look on 1 of my pistols!

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1375 Alaskan Heavy Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1375

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS:  Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel bevel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch or bobtailed.

COMMENTS:  Nice book matching with that deep blue that changes color in indoor or outside lighting.  The color and bark pattern runs along the surface and so the grips are extremely dense, solid, and durable.  These will do fine in every setting.  Safe Queen, gun shows, range shooting, daily carry.  Click on the picture to see them on my Kimber stainless.  Will "pop" off black pistols as well.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1374 - Drop Point Fixed Blade in Mammoth Ivory

MAKER:  Dan Chinnock gg1374
OAL:  7 1/2" 
BLADE: CPM154 steel with thumb grooves along spine
HANDLE: Bronze & White Mammoth Ivory

COMMENTS:   Nice drop point hunter with perfectly matched ivory and great balance. Ivory should match up well with many of the grips I have sold in the past.   Comes with a fitted leather sheath.  Click on the picture to see both sides and its custom leather sheath.

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $475  sold

Thanks again Matt!

GG1373 - Drop Point Fixed Blade in Mammoth Ivory

MAKER:  Dan Chinnock gg1373
OAL:  7 1/2" 
BLADE: CPM154 steel with thumb grooves along spine
HANDLE: Bronze & White Mammoth Ivory

COMMENTS:   Nice drop point hunter with perfectly matched ivory and great balance. Ivory should match up well with many of the grips I have sold in the past.   Comes with a fitted leather sheath.  Click on the picture to see both sides and its custom leather sheath.

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $475 sold

Thanks Matt!

GG1372 - Limited Edition of Buck 110 Lock Back Folder

MAKER:  Buck & Dan Chinnock gg1372
BLADE SIZE:  3 1/2" 
OAL:  8 1/2" 
BLADE: 440 Stainless
HANDLE: Synthetic blue Mother of Pearl
BOLSTERS: Engraved Nickel Silver

COMMENTS:  The Buck 110 is considered the most popular & the most sold knife in the United States.  Last estimate is over 5 million.  99.9% of them only with brass bolsters.  These are a limited edition series of 25 and there will never be any more.  I had the blades Color Case Hardened for that old time look.  I then added Nickel Silver bolsters with a heavy stippled pattern.  Will be one of the most durable and functioning knives you may ever own.  Great for the glove box when emergencies arise.

 Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $150 each  $300 for Both

numbered 5 & 6       sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1371 Cross Cut in Black, Blue, & White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1371

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Explosion of rings in black and blue on these bronze and white ivory cross cut grips.  I love the colors on this highly book matched set.  Check out how they look on my Ed Brown.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE: sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1370 - Blue Green on Cream Ivory, Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1370

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Nighthawk, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS:  Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel bevel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch or bob tailed.  Beveling the heel will remove some of the green in that area.

COMMENTS: Nice book matching of pale blue greens that gives an elegant look for stainless pistols (also pops on a dark pistol). For a better pick up of the colors, be sure to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Almost a 3-dimensional look when viewed up close that only can be achieved by Mother Nature, iron in the soil, and a few thousand years to replace the calcium within the ivory.  Just a classy looking pair of ivory grips with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold

Thanks as always Bob!

GG1369  Alaskan Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1369

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel bevel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch.  Beveling the heel will remove some of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Heavy blue in a very dense and durable cream backdrop, this ivory is a nice example of the type of ivory Alaskan people find along the river banks.  Pictures tell the best story.  They will be very durable and last a long time at the range or as a daily carry.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks as always Dale!

GG1368 - Exhibition Grade Arizona  Ironwood 1911 gripsgg1368

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Nice rich colors and pattern make these another great set of exhibition Arizona Ironwood grips.  Super high gloss takes them up another notch. I had to put a light filter to defuse the light reflections, but if you click on the picture you will see some of the gloss and how they make my Ed Brown pop!  The white side of a polishing file can restore the gloss whenever you feel the need.  Very cool set.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $195 sold

Thanks Duncan!

GG1367 - Black and White Mammoth Ivory - 1911 full size grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1367

IVORY: Coal mines of Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro.  Traditional Mainspring Housing Pin notch and bevel on the heel.  Note:  White ivory will be exposed if the heal is bobtailed or beveled.

COMMENTS:  Very cool "salt & pepper" look with the rich ivory bubbling up with 2/3 black 1/3 white.  I think it makes for a very rich effect.  I gave these a hardened gloss finish to bring clarity and 3-dimensional movement to these grips.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE:  $470  sold

Thanks Kyler!

GG1366  Deep Ancient Bronze in High Gloss Mammoth Ivory 1911 gripsgg1366

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Mike !

GG1365 Giraffe Bone Carmel 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1365

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Love working with Giraffe bone when it is good quality and these fit that bill. Warm bronze grips with deep pearl white ivory as the back drop.  Will give your pistol that classic historical look.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.    Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $195 sold

Thanks Curtiss!

GG1364 - Book Matched Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1364

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: A rare set with perfectly book matched panels where the crackle lines just dance on the surface of each grip.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  Cool Mammoth Ivory when you want to show someone why Mammoth ivory is special.  I promise you will love them!

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   $530 sold

Thanks John G  (my favorite in this listing)

GG1363 Ancient Blue Explosion Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1363

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Very unusual and rare to have such white ivory with the ringed blue crackle veining.  These will just jump off of any color pistol.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $670 sold

Thanks Frank!

GG1362  Officers/Compact White Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1362

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Nice "white" set of Mammoth, these take your personal carry to a new level.  Great value at this price.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brett!

GG1361  Officers/Compact Blue Green Grey Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1361

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  With Blue green grey, this one has it all.  Super durable for daily carry or the range (or both!). Really make a stainless pop or show and tell at the next barbeque!

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold


Thanks NC!

GG1359 Caramel and White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1359

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Consistent color and bark lines make these a nice book matched set.  Will yield a classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.  Don't leave them in a dark safe.  Get them out to the range and show them off!  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Tam!

GG1358 Bronze and White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1358

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Book matched set of warm bronze ivory grips with deep pearl white ivory as the back drop.  Will give your pistol that classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.    Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Curtiss!

GG1357 Ancient Blue Explosion Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1357

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Very unusual and rare to have such white ivory with the ringed blue crackle veining.  These will just jump off of any color pistol.  My favorite set in this listing.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Gene!

GG1356 Alaskan Ancient Blue Crackle Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1356

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Really cool example of a crackle pattern that gives these that ancient look.  Would make a fantastic 1st set for your collection with: ancient look, cool blues, bronze and white ivory, and super durable ivory.  Fine for every day carry or the range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks CG!

GG1355 Alaskan Blue Veined Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1355

IVORY: Alaskan

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Great example of Alaskan blue ivory where the blue ivory is a heavy watery solid color.  Will look great on a stainless pistol, black or a 2 tone.  Nice heavy bark pattern.  They will be great for the range or daily carry.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Duncan!


GG1317 - Drop Point Fixed Blade in Mammoth Ivory

MAKER:  Dan Chinnock gg1317
OAL:  7 1/2" 
BLADE: CPM154 steel with thumb grooves along spine
HANDLE: Bronze & White Mammoth Ivory

COMMENTS:   Nice drop point hunter with perfectly matched ivory and great balance. Ivory should match up well with many of the grips I have sold in the past.   Comes with a fitted leather sheath.  Click on the picture to see both sides and its custom leather sheath.

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: $475 sold

Thanks Adam!

GG1316 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1316

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Classic Mammoth bark that is perfect for an everyday carry.  Super durable for daily carry or the range (or both!).

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jack!

GG1315 - Chocolate & Cream Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1315

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth Tooth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of Mammoth Tooth with rare cream enamel and rich chocolates (as it formed 10,000 years ago.)  Due to the complicated inlay process of Tooth into aluminum I only do 2-3 pair of these a year.  It's not fun!  Add pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.  The silver bezel further enhances the dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Manny!

GG1314 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1314

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Andrew!

GG1313 Classic Blue  Waters Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1313

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Classic blue Mammoth saturated across both panels.  Whites on the outer edges, and brown bark ticking create a nice framing effect.  Flawless ivory that will last many years and hold its value.  Great example of what can happen when ivory is entombed in soil containing raw iron and then wait 3000 years. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1312 Warm Bronze & Caramel Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1312

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Book matched set of warm bronze ivory grips that will give your pistol that classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.  Don't leave them in a dark safe.  Get them out to the range and show them off!  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Benjamin!

GG1311 - Black Smoke & Honey Oak from my shop - 1911 full size grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1311

Wood:  Dan's Homestead

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro.  Traditional Mainspring Housing Pin notch and bevel on the heel.

COMMENTS:  I gave these a hardened gloss finish to bring clarity and 3-dimensional movement to these grips.  Be sure to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  The gloss finish was really hard to kill all of the reflections during picture taking.  I will be sure to include a polishing file so the owner can choose from a satin or gloss like finish (and change it back at a later day)

As some of you know, in 2013 a storm took down a 100 year old Oak tree that could have fallen on me in my shop or lucky for me, fell in the opposite direction.  Inspection of the aftermath revealed some interesting wood for grips.  As such, I built a few grips from this extraordinary wood.  The rippled burled black offers a nice contrast to the honey eyed burl above.  Fully signed for those who are building a collection.  These have a Cerakote type finish making them very durable and a finish that looks like liquid glass.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE:  sold

Thanks again Craig!

GG1309 Natural & Burgundy  Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1309

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  All natural, this Mammoth Molar came straight out of the ground with these natural colors.  Found along the border of China and Russia, the red clay soil gave this molar the red found in the dentine.

Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Adds pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Woolly Mammoths. 

Woolly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years.  Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take awhile, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Adam!

G1310 Ancient Caramel & Bronze Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1310

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Truly ancient looking, this very dramatic set has an explosion of movement in the bronze/caramel and black patterns.  These will have a huge impact on the look of your pistol.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ed Z.

GG1288 - Exhibition Grade Arizona  Ironwood 1911 gripsgg1288

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Came across a cool looking block of Arizona Ironwood and had to turn it into a pair of grips.  The pattern "lights up" in different areas depending on the angle of light hitting the grips.  I have never seen ironwood react this way when viewed at different angles.  Very cool set.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Craig R!


GG1300 - Light Bark on White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1300

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing Pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Manuel!

GG1308 - Wooly Mammoth - Marrow 1911 gripsgg1308

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska by Alaskan villagers

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: This is a very unique material where under low pressure, the marrow is stabilized and yields a one of a kind pair of grips.  Be sure to click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Up close, a truly 3 dimensional view lets you look deep into the marrow yielding a very dramatic look.  Great book matching, and that stealth look on a black pistol, makes it look like you have a whole new pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) Fine for every day carry or out at the range.

PRICE: sold

 Thanks Craig!

GG1305 - Officers/Compact Light Bark Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1305

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Classic Mammoth bark that is perfect for an everyday carry.  Feel great in the hand.  These will be extremely durable and stable.  I have had these many months in my personal collection.  Get these and get out to the range!

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1304 - Drop Point Fixed Blade in Mammoth Ivory

MAKER:  Dan Chinnock gg1304
OAL:  7 1/2" 
BLADE: CPM154 steel with thumb grooves along spine
HANDLE: Bronze & White Mammoth Ivory

COMMENTS:   Nice drop point hunter at a good value.  Ivory should match up well with many of the grips I have sold in the past.  Complex Mammoth bark with heavy crackle lines.  Comes with a fitted leather sheath.

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Gene!

GG1303 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1303

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Eric!

GG1302 Cross Cut Tri-Color Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1302

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Cool representation of the colors and patterns that can be seen in crosscut Mammoth ivory.  Love the bronze and blue patterns creating an almost explosion of color starting in the center.  These have been in my personal collection for the last 6 months.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see these on 1 of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brennan!

GG1301 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1301

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Classic Mammoth bark that is perfect for an everyday carry.  In fact I built these for my conceal carry and so they were setup to be super comfortable in the hand(notice the bevel on the heel).  These feel slender in the hand, but very stable and comfortable when I shoot.  These will be extremely durable and stable.  I have had these many months in my personal collection.  Get these and get out to the range!

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Kenneth!

GG1299 Vivianite Tri-color Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1299

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  There has to be at least 3 different colors of blue.  The light (baby blue) blue is the hardest one to catch since it is often a very thin transition layer.  As the ivory goes thru its chemical reaction with the iron in the soil it often blows right thru this color and so the blues are often much darker.  These grips have all shades of blue.  I worked these down by hand over a 3 month period to capture all the blues and book matching between the 2 panels.  After creating the proper curvature on the surface I then, and only then, drilled the holes, flattened the back side of each panel and then continued working until the proper thickness was achieved.  It's totally backwards, and counterintuitive, but necessary to achieve this final outcome.  At Christmas time I try to create and offer what I believe "the" perfect set and these are it for 2021.  Thanks for looking.  Just below the surface is clean solid cream ivory.  So they will be durable, stable and last a lifetime.  They will come with my aluminum GripLocks to make certain they stay perfect in any climate.

If you love blue, this is one of the best representations.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dan!

GG1298 Heavy Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1298

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. 

COMMENTS:  Classic blue Mammoth saturated across both panels.  This is a Viviante blue where it looks very dark blue with indoor lighting and more brilliant in outdoor lighting.    Great example of what can happen when ivory is entombed in soil containing raw iron and then wait 10,000+ years. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. The colors are more true in the pistol picture.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brennan!

GG1296 - Exotic Snakewood 1911 gripsgg1296

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Truly a perfect, rare, impressive set of snakewood grips.  They have my new gloss finish and so take a look at these on my pistol by clicking on the picture.  The white side of a polishing file can restore the gloss whenever you feel the need.  Very cool set.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1295 - High Crackle On White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1295

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or heel beveled and Mainspring Housing Pin notched

COMMENTS:   Nice crackle lines going across the entire surface, these are an example of just how cool Mammoth ivory can be.  Heavy black bark lines run just along the surface and so the grips are super durable super stable.  They make a high visual impact on a black pistol and so click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.  Truly a one-of-a-kind pair of grips.

Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols!  Great for display, carry and the range.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Adam!

GG1294 - Live Edge Arizona  Ironwood 1911 gripsgg1294

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Another cool looking set of Arizona Ironwood grips.  I love the rich grain and the live edge wood on the outer edges.  Great book matching.  Oh, these also have a super gloss finish for that "presentation" effect.  The white side of a polishing file can restore the gloss whenever you feel the need.  Very cool set.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Robert!

GG1293 - Exhibition Grade Arizona  Ironwood 1911 gripsgg1293

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock


PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Nice rich colors and pattern make these another great set of exhibition Arizona Ironwood grips.  Super high gloss takes them up another notch. I had to put a light filter to defuse the light reflections, but if you click on the picture you will see some of the gloss and how they make my Ed Brown pop!  The white side of a polishing file can restore the gloss whenever you feel the need.  Very cool set.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Charles!

GG1292 - Officers/Compact White & Fine Line Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1292

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, notch for MSH pin.


COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Sets up perfectly for a black conceal carry pistol, these have fine lines that are a good representation of Mammoth ivory.  Being super dense makes them very durable and well suited for an every day carry or your barbecue gun.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks as always Bob!

GG1290 Rare Green Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1290

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  The only "green" set I have had in 2 years.  That is how rare this color is.  Great for "Safe Queen", range, or daily carry.  They will be extremely durable and great for a stainless or a dark pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. Truly investment grade that will be very durable for years to come.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $570 sold

Thanks Chris!

GG1287 -  Light Bark White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1287

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, cut for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS:  Traditional white Mammoth ivory with a light crackle pattern gives these that traditional Mammoth ivory look.  These will be super durable that can create an heirloom pistol. Will likely appreciate in value as the supply of raw Mammoth disappears.  A nice entry price for your 1st set of ivory grips or to help sell a pistol out on  

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: $400 sold

Thanks Luke (Very cool set!)

GG1286 - Ancient White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1286

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Ancient ivory at a price that will turn any period piece or standard 70's series pistol into a true Heirloom. A very solid and durable set with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  $250 sold

Thanks Jason!

GG1279 - Officers/Compact Dark Blue Veined Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1279

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Nice set of durable grips for your conceal carry. These feel slender in the hand, but very stable and comfortable when I shoot.  These will be extremely durable and stable.  I have had these many months in my personal collection.  Get these and get out to the range!

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: $300 sold

Thanks Scott!

GG1281 - Live Edge Ironwood 1911 gripsgg1281

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Came across a cool looking block of Arizona Ironwood and had to turn it into a pair of grips.  I love the rich grain and the live edge wood on the outer edges.  Great bookmatching.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Tom!

GG1276  Alaskan Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1276

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel bevel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch

COMMENTS:  Heavy blue in a very dense and durable cream backdrop, this ivory is a nice example of the type of ivory Alaskan people find along the river banks.  Pictures tell the best story.  They will be very durable and last a long time at the range or as a daily carry.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Gene!

GG1275  Gray Blue Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1275

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Very cool blue grey in color that really popped when I polished them.  Flawless condition, these are going to look great on any color pistol.  You are likely to never have seen "tooth" in these colors.  I know I haven't.  Click on the picture to see them on my stainless & black pistols.  Adds pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Woolly Mammoths. 

Woolly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years.  Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take awhile, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Michael!

GG1274 Deep Tri-Color Blue On Ancient ivory  - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1274

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Nice book matched blues that have at least 3 different types of blue and great color depth.  Great for "Safe Queen", range, or daily carry.  They will be extremely durable and great for a stainless or a dark pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. Truly investment grade that will be very durable for years to come.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ed!

GG1273 Chocolate and Caramel Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1273

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing pin notched.

COMMENTS:  Great value and nice traditional look for a historical pistol or simply the luscious look and feel of real ivory for what most pay for a nice set of wood.  These have that warm buttery feel and high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale!

GG1272 - Touch of Bark on White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1272

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Touch of bark lines run along the heel of the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Jimmy!

GG1269  Tri-Color  Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1269

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Set of Mammoth Tooth that reminds me of Rattlesnake skin.  Very cool set.  Flawless condition, these are going to look great on any color pistol.  You are likely to never have seen "tooth" in these colors.  I know I haven't.  Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Adds pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Woolly Mammoths. 

Woolly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years.  Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Philip!

GG1268 - Bark Flames Leap from Heel - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1268

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bevel heel, or notch Mainspring Housing pin.

COMMENTS:  This look is a favorite of dealers and manufacturers. Bold bark lines on white ivory creates a dramatic look on dark pistols. The bark lines start out heavy on the heel and then move up thinner to create an almost flame like appearance.   These vertical bark lines run just along the surface and so these will be a very durable set whether its for the range or for a daily carry.  A classic example of what Mother Nature can do to ivory if given a few thousand years.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they make my Ed Brown pop.  These will make any pistol look like a one-of-a-kind heirloom piece of functional art.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1267 Intense Blue Ancient Cross Cut Mammoth ivory - 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1267

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: I have had this set in my collection for over 3 years.  Since then I have never seen this type of blue that then blossoms out to intense browns and chocolates at the heel and toe. Makes for a very dramatic set with an explosion of movement. These will have a huge impact on the look of your pistol.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ross!

GG1257 - Bold White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1257

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  This look is a favorite of dealers and manufactures. Bold bark lines on white ivory creates a dramatic look on dark pistols.  The vertical bark lines run just along the surface and so these will be a very durable set whether its for the range or for a daily carry.  A classic example of what Mother Nature can do to ivory if given a few thousand years.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they make my Ed Brown pop.  These will make any pistol look like a one-of-a-kind heirloom piece of functional art.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Trey!

GG1263 - Razor Knife in Blue Mammoth ivory

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1263

Material: Liner Lock with replaceable razor blade



COMMENTS:  A unique razor blade knife.  Need to cut open a package that came in the mail?  Do it with style with the knife in beautiful blue Mammoth ivory.  Blade getting dull? Just lift the top tab and pull out the old and put in the new!  Comes with spare blades.  Click on the picture to see other angles and how the blade slides out.

Do not forget to click on the picture to see more views.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brian!

GG1261 Classic Blue  Waters Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1261

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Classic blue Mammoth saturated across both panels.  Whites on the outer edges create a nice framing effect.  Flawless ivory that will last many years and hold its value.  Great example of what can happen when ivory is entombed in soil containing raw iron and then wait 3000 years. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dan!

GG1258 - Spider line Mammoth ivory 1911 grips & Case Colored Fixed Blade

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1258

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.


COMMENTS: Waiting for the right ivory, for both the grips and blade, takes awhile.  This matched set took 12 months to come together.  The grips and knife are a dead set match and really unique with the pattern sometimes called spider web or ice crackle.  Its just a super cool set that came together perfectly.  The pistol is not included, but they will come with my GripLocks for the grips and a sheath/pouch for the knife.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see both sides of the grips and knife.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Chris - 2 of my knives now! :)

GG1256 - Buffalo Trace Bourbon Barrel Pen and 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1256

Material: 10 year Bourbon Barrel Stave

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones


COMMENTS:  One of the most unique, challenging, and fun set of grips I have built to date.  I have been a bourbon drinker for over 30 years, but only recently felt the pull to combine my talent for building grips with my talent for drinking bourbon(LOL).  Bourbon barrels are built from white oak, but the aging process expands and contracts the wood dramatically over the years and so the wood has to be treated differently.  The true challenge comes in maintaining the charred surface and keep the grips stable.  The pen is a take off of the old saying "The pen is mightier than the sword".  My take is to start with the Bourbon, then the pen.  If those 2 fail, pull out the 1911 and show them the pretty grips!

Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Blane!

GG1255  Bronze Leopard Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1255

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, beveled heel, MSH pin notch.  Ask for a thumb groove and know you have your hand in the correct position the moment you grasp your pistol.

COMMENTS:  Great book matched set of warm bronze ivory grips that will give your pistol that warm classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Super rare to have the colors form inside the ivory without crackle lines forming 1st.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.  Don't leave them in a dark safe.  Get them out to the range and show them off!  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Loren!

GG1253 - Light Bark on White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1253

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & MSH pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!) 

PRICE:  sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1247  Black & Warm bronze Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1247

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, beveled heel, MSH pin notch.  Ask for a thumb groove and know you have your hand in the correct position the moment you grasp your pistol.

COMMENTS:  Nice set of black & warm bronze ivory grips that will give your pistol that classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Greg!

GG1251  Bobtailed Black, Bronze, and Silver - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1251

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Rich set of colors in black, bronze and a nice patina white.  But what makes these special is the ivory came out of the coal & silver mines of Siberia and I was successful in keeping the silver on the right panel.  Click on the picture to see the silver and how they look on a stainless and black pistol.  These have a nice heel bevel that makes them very soft in the hands.  Great contrast and very durable will make them perfect for the range or on your bobtailed conceal carry.  I love the ancient look of these and I am sure you will also.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Frank!

GG1249 Alaskan Blue Veined Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1249

IVORY: Alaskan

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Great example of Alaskan blue ivory where the blue ivory is a heavy watery solid color.  Will look great on a stainless pistol, black or a 2 tone.  Nice heavy bark pattern.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Charles!

GG1246 -  Rich White with touches of Blue Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1246

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, cut for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: This set will add more value to your pistol than their cost.  A real shooters set that has a soft and warm feel in the hands.  These will be so durable that they just might outlast your pistol.  A nice entry price for your 1st set of ivory grips or to help sell a pistol out on  Rich swirled white ivory with touches of Blue/green at the crowns and heels.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Don!

GG1244 - Green Mammoth Marrow 1911 Gripsgg1244

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Material:  Bone Marrow

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Nice example of Mammoth marrow that is perfectly book matched.  I have had these in my collection for over 2 years.  Just love the rich green look when paired with my Ed Brown.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Dan!

GG1243 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1243

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

It seems that mother nature took 10,000+ years to create minute ticking & heavy bark lines found in Mammoth.  These feel slender in the hand, but very stable and comfortable when I shoot.  These will be extremely durable and stable.  I have had these many months in my personal collection.  Get these and get out to the range!

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brian

GG1240 - Bronze Blue Cracked Ice on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1194

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or heel beveled and Mainspring Housing Pin notched

COMMENTS:  My favorite set in this listing!  Nice crackle lines going across the entire surface, these have a nice warm bronze & blue colors on top of cream ivory.  These are extremely stable and will likely outlast your pistol.   Will look great on any color pistol, but don't hesitate to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols!  Great for display, carry and the range.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Scott

GG1239 -  Classic Bark in Stag Colors - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1239

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, cut for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Just a classic look for Mammoth ivory.  Nice bark ticking on white Mammoth, these will last a lifetime and so they are perfect for a range gun or a daily carry.  This is Mammoth at its best.  A nice entry price for your 1st set of ivory grips or to help sell a pistol out on  

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!!!

GG1236  Black and White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1236

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Rare set of black ivory on a cool layer of white makes for a very dramatic set.   Has that warm buttery feel, but looks like black obsidian.  I love this set.  Click on the Picture to see how dramatic it looks on my Ed Brown Special Forces Pistol. Will be very durable for the range or as a carry.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1235 Heavy Blue  Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1235

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Classic blue Mammoth saturated across both panels.  Flawless ivory that will last many years and hold its value.  Ones like these never show up on GunBroker.  They are just that rare. Great example of what can happen when ivory is entombed in soil containing raw iron and then wait 3000 years. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. The colors are more true in the pistol picture.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale (you did it again)

GG1237  Golden Bronze Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1237

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, beveled heel, MSH pin notch.  Ask for a thumb groove and know you have your hand in the correct position the moment you grasp your pistol.

COMMENTS:  Great book matched set of warm gold ivory grips that will give your pistol that warm classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry.  Don't leave them in a dark safe.  Get them out to the range and show them off!  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks John!

GG1235B  African Black Wood & White Ivory Custom TOTS 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1151


PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Want to add to your collection of Dan Chinnock custom designed grips? I built a limited number of these grips under the theme "Tip Of The Spear" - TOTS.  African black wood with inlayed white ivory spears.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  This is one of the last sets I have.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brett!

GG1234 - Tri color Chocolate & White Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1234

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth Tooth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of Mammoth Tooth with rare white enamel and rich chocolates (as it formed 10,000 years ago.)  Due to the complicated inlay process of Tooth into aluminum I only do 2-3 pair of these a year.  It's not fun!  Add pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.  The silver bezel further enhances the dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ron!

GG1230 - Black Sea Coral 1911 Gripsgg1230

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Material:  Coral from the deep sea ocean.

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Nice example of deep Sea Coral, these are unique one-of-a-kind grips that are a great addition to any 1911 grip collection.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Mike!

GG1228 -  Soft Swirl Patterned in Stag Colors - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1228

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, cut for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Actually my favorite set in this listing, I have had these on my Ed Brown for over a year and just love their feel.  This set will add more value to your pistol than their cost.  A real shooters set that has a soft and warm feel in the hands.  These will be so durable that they just might outlast your pistol.  A nice entry price for your 1st set of ivory grips or to help sell a pistol out on  

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bill!

GG1224  Stealth Blue & Chocolate Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1224

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled heel, Mainspring Housing Pin notch.  Ask for a thumb groove and know you have your hand in the correct position the moment you grasp your pistol.

COMMENTS:  Cool stealth appearance when mounted, these grips have a deep blue and chocolate appearance in a very hard ivory.  It was difficult to take pictures since these took a very high gloss, but click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.  Cool colors with that deep ocean appearance.  Unique one of kind set coming out of Alaska.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Lance!

GG1223 - Skip checkered English Walnut & Meteorite 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1200

Material: English Walnut & 30 billion year old Meteorite

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones


COMMENTS: Highly figured English Walnut where we did a skip checkered cut into the walnut to achieve the exotic look of random diamonds appearing in the checkering pattern.  Then we inlaid 30 billion year old Meteorite, as a medallion, in to the center of each panel.  As you can see in the large picture(click on the small picture) a perfect etch has been achieved so that you will see sparkling crystals suddenly appear when viewing the grips at different angles.  Here is a chance to own functional art without spending $1,000s or even millions (e.g. Cabot's Big Bang Meteorite pistols!) of dollars for a pistol that has parts made from Meteorite.  Truly an heirloom level pair of grips(and no 2 are ever alike).  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.


Thanks again Brett The pattern on the Meteorite came thru great!

GG1222 Ancient Caramel & Bronze Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1222

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Very dramatic set with explosion of movement in the bronze/caramel and black patterns making these have a huge impact on the look of your pistol.  See how much you love the look by clicking on the picture.  They take my Ed Brown pistol to a whole new level.  They come with a set of GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition even while not on your pistol.   

PRICE: sold

Thanks Kyle! (They will ship today 02/01/2021)

GG1221 - Officers/Compact Blue & Bronze Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1221

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

I love the colors in these grips!  It seems that mother nature took 10,000+ years to create minute ticking of every color found in Mammoth.  Thousands of small "ticking" lines created bronze, blue, caramel, cream, and green patterns in these grips.  These feel slender in the hand, but very stable and comfortable when I shoot.  These will be extremely durable and stable.  I have had these many months in my personal collection.  Get these and get out to the range!

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Charles M!

GG1217 - Officers/Compact Bronze Mammoth Bark 1911 Gripsgg1217

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heel beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.


COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Warm bronze looks great on a black pistol and these highly book matched grips will last a lifetime as a conceal carry or at the range.  I've had these for over 6 months and I find them to feel soft in the hand.  A classic look for Mammoth ivory with the nice vertical bark lines.  Definitely will turn your pistol into a "one of a kind" at shows or the range.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thank you again Bob!

GG1218 Sky Blue on White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1218

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  A rare powder / sky blue that I have not seen before.  Great contrast with the white ivory gives these a high end look on both stainless and black pistols.  Click on the picture to see how the blue seems to change color based on what the finish is on the pistol.  A very elegant set looking for the right home.  Investment grade heirloom quality.  What's not to like?

If you love blue, this is one of the best representations.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Mario!


GG1214 Black Mammoth Ivory Kershaw Leek Flipper in D2 Steel

MAKER:  Kershaw & Dan Chinnock gg1214
BLADE SIZE:  2 3/4" 
OAL:  4" 
BLADE: Wharncliffe blade in Sandvik 14C28N fused to a cutting edge of CPM-D2
HANDLE: Mammoth ivory

COMMENTS:   I am proud to link my Mammoth expertise to 1 of Kershaw's most well made and versatile knives.  The Kershaw Leek.  The D2 blade holds a fine edge, stays sharp, and is easy to sharpen.  The flip side supports the framelock and a removable/reversible (tip-up or tip-down) pocket clip.  The top half of 3" modified Wharncliffe blade is Sandvik 14C28N fused to a cutting edge of CPM-D2 at 58-60 Rc.  A line of copper separates the two different steels.  All USA made! The black Mammoth will match up well to many of the Black & Blue Mammoth grips I have sold in the past

Click on the picture to see a larger and more detailed view!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Lance!

GG1213  Mammoth Ivory Key Fobsgg1213

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

COMMENTS:  Over the years I have exhibited my grips and knives at small local shows, high end jewelry stores, and all the way up to largest show known as the Las Vegas SHOT show.  In every case the attendees act like they have been handed a piece of gold when I give them a ivory key fob.  They can finally show their friends and family what makes Mammoth ivory so special without carrying their pistol or knife with them everywhere they go.  Many folks have no idea what I am talking about when I describe my profession.  Then when I hand them a key fob they go "wow!" what do you do?  Where did you this stuff? Wow, that is so cool!  So here is a chance for you to be the cool kid with your friends, family, and coworkers.  Click on the picture to see these in a larger view. 


PRICE: All are sold

Thanks Lee (Wow, still have 1 of my Stag grips?  That does go back in time!)

GG1212 Cross Cut in White and Blue Gray Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1212

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Book matched with a nice blue gray theme with blacks and whites offering a great offset contrast.  These will be very durable and will look great on any color pistol.  A unique set in the "cross cut" theme of Mammoth. Click on the picture to see these on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Mike H.


GG1211 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1211

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips Nice bronze crackle lines   Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Good book matching.  These are perfect for a service pistol or conceal carry.  Nice and warm and soft in the hands.  Ask me to bevel the heal to further reduce the imprint & create a softer feel.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob W!

GG1209 Vivianite Blue & Gold Bark Ticking Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1209

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  100% iridescent(Viviante) blue Mammoth.  Enough said, but I will go on.  I worked these down by hand over a 3 month period to capture all the blues and book matching between the 2 panels.  After creating the proper curvature on the surface I then, and only then, drilled the holes, flattened the back side of each panel and then continued working until the proper thickness was achieved.  It's totally backwards, and counterintuitive, but necessary to achieve this final outcome.  The "gold" bark ticking was a bonus.  Each Christmas I try to create and offer what I believe "the" perfect set and these are it for 2020.  Thanks for looking.  p.s. Just below the surface is clean solid cream ivory.  So they will be durable, stable and last a lifetime.  They will come with my aluminum GripLocks to make certain they stay perfect in any climate.

If you love blue, this is one of the best representations.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale!

GG1208 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1208

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing Pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Tom!

GG1207 - Rich Caramel Mammoth ivory 1911 grips & engraved fixed blade

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1207

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.


COMMENTS: Waiting for the right ivory, for both the grips and blade, takes awhile.  I think it finally came together in this matching set of grips and engraved knife.  Rich caramels, and heavy bark lines, helps tie these together well.  This set will last a lifetime whether they are put to work or kept as a heirloom piece.  The knife will come with a heavy tan leather sheath.  Both are signed by me.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown and the reverse side of the knife.  Pretty cool set I think.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Chris K!  Love it see them on your Barron blue Wilson

GG1205 - Bark Flames Leap from Heal - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1205

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  This look is a favorite of dealers and manufactures. Bold bark lines on white ivory creates a dramatic look on dark pistols. The bark lines start out heavy on the heal and then move up thinner to create an almost flame like appearance.   These vertical bark lines run just along the surface and so these will be a very durable set whether its for the range or for a daily carry.  A classic example of what Mother Nature can do to ivory if given a few thousand years.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they make my Ed Brown pop.  These will make any pistol look like a one-of-a-kind heirloom piece of functional art.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Tom!

GG1192 - Light Bark on White High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1192

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveled & Mainspring Housing Pin notched.

COMMENTS: Classic Mammoth look & price makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows or the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory, have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Ivory Polishing File in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jon!

GG1197 - Intense Blues in Cross-Cut Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1197

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.


COMMENTS: Intense set of "blues" in cross-cut Mammoth ivory.  Working them slow kept these in that great contrast you see here in the pictures. Center of mass shows rare multiple nerve roots.  Clearly showing this is Mammoth ivory.  The pictures speak volumes on how special these are.  Click on the picture to see these on one of my pistols.  They will work well on dark or stainless pistols!

PRICE: sold

Thanks as always Dale!

GG1196 - Heavy Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1196

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: A rare set where the crackle lines just dance on the surface of each grip and they are nicely book matched as a bonus.  One of the most pure representations of "Mammoth Bark Ivory".  I have had these all year with the idea to list them around Christmas time.  It is one of the coolest sets in this listing.  I promise you will love them!

Carry, shoot, safe Queen, Barbeque.  They work at all these levels.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks again Bob!

GG1195  Black & Caramel on Dark Cream Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1195

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled & Mainspring Housing Pin notched, bobtailed, etc...

COMMENTS:  Heavy black & caramel together on a single pair of grips makes these unique and a great example of the kind of contrast achievable in Mammoth ivory.  Will be very durable for the range or as a carry.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   on hold for Bob  "Bomber"


GG1187  Midnight Blue & Black Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1187

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  This set is unique in not only having black Mammoth, but also deep blues when viewed at different lighting.  I zoomed in on the top of 1 panel to show the blue peaking out from the black ivory.  Super cool set.  Has that warm buttery feel, but looks like black obsidian.  I love this set.  Click on the Picture to see how dramatic it looks on my Ed Brown Special Forces Pistol. Will be very durable for the range or as a carry.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Horacio!

GG1183 - Classic White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1183

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: These are one of those rare sets where we have a dramatic brown bark pattern on white ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Great book matching, very durable, and the ultimate set for a daily carry or dress or barbeque gun.  I have had this set in my collection for over a year.  Love shooting with them (and the attention from the other lanes!)  Just a very cool set.     

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Brett!

GG1181 - Bold White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1181

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  This look is a favorite of dealers and manufactures. Bold bark lines on white ivory creates a dramatic look on dark pistols.  The vertical bark lines run just along the surface and so these will be a very durable set whether its for the range or for a daily carry.  A classic example of what Mother Nature can do to ivory if given a few thousand years.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they make my Ed Brown pop.  These will make any pistol look like a one-of-a-kind heirloom piece of functional art.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Brent!

GG1107 - Schreger Line Man Made Skip Line Checkered 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1107

IVORY: Mankind

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Has been cut for an ambidextrous safety and heel has been beveled.

COMMENTS: These type of grips can only be found here  For a very long time I have wanted to offer my customers a white checkered grip that was a perfect alternative to real ivory and here it is.  These grips have fooled several law enforcement officials whose job is to enforce laws on Elephant ivory trade.  Fine layers of white and cream colored material have been layered dozens of times to simulate the schreger lines of real ivory. 

A special checkering, known as skip-line, creates dozens of small diamonds like the large double diamonds that appear at the bushing holes.  Both the large and small diamonds are highly polished to create "moving" reflections similar to when viewing a real diamond ring.  All of this results in a very sophisticated and elegant look for any of your 1911 pistols.  Click on the picture above to see multiple views of these grips on my pistol.  You will see some of these tiny diamonds reflecting the light and creating a very cool & one-of-a-kind look.  There are only 2 of these built and are labeled "proto types" on the back side.  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks George!

GG1165 Ocean Blue(hint of green) Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1165

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  I cannot get more blue packed onto a single set of grips.  Blue & blue greens saturate 95% of the surface and there is not a single flaw or weak point anywhere.  These will be very durable and offer I lifetime of eye candy enjoyment.   They call this Viviante blue in that it changes tone and becomes more vivid under different lighting conditions.  This picture had some indirect outside light.  The pictures where they are mounted on my Ed Brown have much more outdoor sunlight.  I exposed a bit of white ivory to help with the book matching and give it a better "picture framing" once their mounted on a pistol.  Click on the picture to see how they look on a black pistol.  Another investment grade set of grips that will be great for 1 of your barbeque guns!

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1177  Black & Warm bronze & Caramel Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1177

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, beveled heal, Mainspring Housing Pin notch.  Ask for a thumb groove and know you have your hand in the correct position the moment you grasp your pistol.

COMMENTS:  Nice set of warm bronze ivory grips that will give your pistol that classic historical look AND the warm buttery feel with that high gloss you only see with real ivory.  Perfect for the range or daily carry. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Many thanks Frank! North Sea coming up next!

GG1176 - Stag Like Bronze On White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1176

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heal beveling and Mainspring Housing Pin notch can also be performed.

COMMENTS:  These have that traditional look of Stag, but the depth of color and contrast only found in Mammoth.  Nice warm and buttery feel in the hands, these will add a nice pop to any dark pistol.  Great 1st set if you are new to Mammoth ivory that will make a good presentation regardless of which side of the table you are on at a gun show.  Click on the picture to see these on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Trey.  You will love these.  Welcome to the club of fellow ivory lovers! (watch out it can be addictive)

GG1171 - Officers/Compact Blue Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1171

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

A rich sapphire blue, these are the most sought after colors in grips or knives.  The pictures tell the story far better than I can.  The best blue there is (until I see another shade of jaw dropping blue:)  Not many turn out this well.  Rewarding work keeping the blue and removing the dirty brown ivory.  Ultimate eye candy.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!  Frank is getting jealous missing out on these.  Your a monster with the blues!

GG1170 - Officers/Compact White & Fine Line Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1170

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.


COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Sets up perfectly for a black conceal carry pistol, these are more rare with the black crackle lines sitting on white ivory.  They will be a very durable and well suited for an every day carry or your barbecue gun.  Perfect for when we open up the gun shows, these will hold their value very well.  Just a cool looking set.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob X 4!

GG1169 - Officers/Compact Chocolate & Black Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1169

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Great for a black or stainless pistol, these are the opposite of a traditional look of Mammoth ivory.  Chocolate lays over black ivory to create a very rich look that will just jump off of a dark or stainless pistol.  A wonderful set that lets you have chocolate at 0 calories!  These also have a nice soft feel in the hand.

Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1168 - Officers/Compact Chocolate Crackle Mammoth 1911 Gripsgg1168

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Wilson Combat, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, notch for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.   

Wonderful book matched set where the crackle lines run along the surface to give it that classic look of traditional Mammoth ivory.  Nice soft feel in the hand, high polish, and very durable completes the description of these grips.  Great oxymoron of "perfect for a conceal carry and to show off". Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale!

GG1156  Black, White, Silver Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1156

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Rare set of black ivory on a cool layer of white makes for a very dramatic set.  With it coming out of a coal and silver mine in Siberia, there is still small silver threads & patches down the black bark.  Cannot capture well in a photo since it just looks like light reflections (but cool in person).  Has that warm buttery feel, but looks like black obsidian.  I love this set.  Click on the Picture to see how dramatic it looks on my Ed Brown Special Forces Pistol. Will be very durable for the range or as a carry.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks as always Bob!

GG1162 - White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1162

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel can be beveled for better concealment and hand comfort.  Would not recommend notching corner for Mainspring Housing Pin, but can be done.

COMMENTS: Ancient looking white and patina ivory gives a timeless look and feel to any dark pistol.  They are a very durable set for taking your daily carry to the next level.  Soft feel in the hand with that warm buttery feel.  Remember to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Steven!

GG1160 Blue green crackle on warm Mammoth Ivory - 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1160

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bevel the heel, etc...

COMMENTS:  These have all the colors a traditional set of Mammoth ivory grips has  (Green, Blue, Bronze, Cream, etc).  These will make a very durable set you can take to the range over and over.  They also get that warm butter feel after 30 minutes of range time.  A great 1st choice or conversation piece with their complex colors. Remember to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols!

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Bob (interesting green in these grips!)

GG1152  Mammoth cross-cut 1911 grips and Flipper knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1152

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Classic Mammoth cross-cut ivory grips with matching flipper knife.  Here is an opportunity to have an Every Day Carry knife in matching ivory with your 1911 grips.  Now you can show off your Mammoth ivory collection without having a public showing for your pistol (not always a good thing).  This is Kershaw's very popular "Leek" assisting opening flipper knife customized in matching Mammoth ivory.  If you would like to see it in action go to and type in: Dan Chinnock Mammoth Ivory Flipper Knife.  When I carry, I carry a Leek.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see these grips on 1 of my pistols!

PRICE: sold

Thanks David. You will soon have fun flipping!

GG1151  African Black Wood & White Ivory Custom TOTS 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1151


PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Want to add to your collection of Dan Chinnock custom designed grips? I built these limited edition(6 of 10) grips under the theme "Tip Of The Spear" - TOTS.  African black wood with inlayed white ivory spears.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jerry!

GG1107 - Schreger Line Man Made Skip Line Checkered 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1107

IVORY: Mankind

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Has been cut for an ambidextrous safety and heel has been beveled.

COMMENTS: These type of grips can only be found here  For a very long time I have wanted to offer my customers a white checkered grip that was a perfect alternative to real ivory and here it is.  These grips have fooled several law enforcement officials whose job is to enforce laws on Elephant ivory trade.  Fine layers of white and cream colored material have been layered dozens of times to simulate the schreger lines of real ivory. 

A special checkering, known as skip-line, creates dozens of small diamonds like the large double diamonds that appear at the bushing holes.  Both the large and small diamonds are highly polished to create "moving" reflections similar to when viewing a real diamond ring.  All of this results in a very sophisticated and elegant look for any of your 1911 pistols.  Click on the picture above to see multiple views of these grips on my pistol.  You will see some of these tiny diamonds reflecting the light and creating a very cool & one-of-a-kind look.  There are only 2 of these built and are labeled "proto types" on the back side.  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: $225 available!

GG1145 - Bronze Blue Cracked Ice on Warm Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1145

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown)

COMMENTS:  My favorite set in this listing!  Nice crackle lines going across the entire surface, these have a nice warm bronze & blue colors on top of cream ivory.  These are extremely stable and will likely outlast your pistol.   Will look great on any color pistol, but don't hesitate to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols!  Great for display, carry and the range.

PRICE: sold

Thanks David!

GG1146 - Blue On Tan Ivory, Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1146

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety.  Can be bob tailed (Ed Brown)

COMMENTS: Dead on book matching with deep water blues on cream ivory.  Very durable set of grips with a soft feel in the hands.  Nice and warm ivory that will work well on black and stainless pistols.  Great for the 1st time buyer to learn why everyone likes the look and feel of real ivory.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1140 Heavy Blue with cream peaking out - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1140

IVORY: Alaskan

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  Great example of Alaskan ivory where the ivory is a heavy watery solid color.  In this case, blue.  Will look great on a stainless pistol or a 2 tone.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

PRICE: sold

Thanks Lance!

GG1143 - Super White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1143

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveling and Mainspring Housing Pin notch can also be performed.

COMMENTS:  These are one of those rare sets where the main ivory is super white and the bronze colors and crackle give it almost a stag look.  These are very comfortable in the hand and very stable.  The just have a very rich deep color that really screams real ivory.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  Very cool set.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Joe!

GG1142 -  White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1142

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel can be beveled for better concealment and hand comfort.  Can notch corner for Mainspring Housing Pin.

COMMENTS: Gorgeous Mammoth ivory with rich swirls of white and cream ivory.  Looks dead on 200 year old Elephant ivory.  Extremely durable that can be a Heirloom to be passed down for generations.  Also a great candidate for scrimshaw art. 

These fall into the same category as GG1126, but looks move more to that 200 year old Elephant ivory.  They are a very durable set for taking your daily carry to the next level.  Soft feel in the hand with that warm buttery feel.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ray!

GG1141 - Skip checkered English Walnut & Meteorite 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1141

Material: English Walnut & 30 billion year old Meteorite

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 


COMMENTS: Highly figured English Walnut where we did a skip checkered cut into the walnut to achieve the exotic look of random diamonds appearing in the checkering pattern.  Then we inlaid 30 billion year old Meteorite, as a medallion, in to the center of each panel.  As you can see in the large picture(click on the small picture) a perfect etch has been achieved so that you will see sparkling crystals suddenly appear when viewing the grips at different angles.  Here is a chance to own functional art without spending $1,000s or even millions (e.g. Cabots Big Bang Meteorite pistols!) of dollars for a pistol that has parts made from Meteorite.  Truly a heirloom level pair of grips

Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jerry!

GG1137 - Meteorite 1911 grips, Full size thin profile (or standard bushings)

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1137

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro.

COMMENTS:  I usually do just 1 pair a year.  There is less than 10 pairs in the world.  Here is my 2020 full Meteorite 1911 grips.  Often called the Muonion Meteor, the full name is:  "Muonionalusta".  This Meteorite is the oldest of all Earth found Meteors and is believed to be older than Earth itself.  Just amazing.  Both panels exhibit the full crystal patterns unique to Meteorites and has the fine crystal patterns that "light up" when viewed at different angles under sun light.  These have a thin profile, but come with Carbon liners that can be placed between the pistol and grips to allow you to use your full size bushings.  A full video can be seen by clicking here or by going directly to and typing in key words: Meteorite, grips, Chinnock.  It is very informal and is just 3 minutes long.  I wanted you to see them in my hands and how I mounted them on my Ed Brown 1911.

PRICE: sold

Glad to know they are going to a good home!

GG1039 - Bronze Cracked Ice on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1139

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro.

COMMENTS:  Nice crackle lines going across the entire surface, these have a nice warm bronze color on top of white.  These are extremely stable and will likely outlast your pistol.  Perfectly book matched sets like these don't come around very often.  Will look great on any color pistol, but don't hesitate to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  Great for display, carry and the range.

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Dwight!

GG1138 Crackle Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1138

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  I really love blue when it has crackle lines.  It is the most desirable & classic look for Mammoth ivory.   Not many grips like these and never found on   If you love blue, this is one of the best representations. They will be very durable so get them to the range!  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks again and again Lance!

GG1126 - Officers/Compact White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1126

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel can be beveled for better concealment and hand comfort.  Would not recommend notching corner for Mainspring Housing Pin, but can be done.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips Ancient looking white and patina ivory gives a timeless look and feel to any conceal carry pistol.  They are a very durable set for taking your daily carry to the next level or getting them to the range.  Black lines just run lightly along the surface.  Soft feel in the hand with that warm buttery feel.

PRICE: sold


GG1136 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1136

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: These are the type I often sell to Cabot Gun.  Looks like "flame" bark lines dancing up from the heals into a rich warm cream at the top.  Nice book matching and high contrast, makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows are the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory. have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold


GG1134 - Officers/Compact Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1134

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel as it would remove the blue in that area, but can if desired.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips A cool set of "blues" for a Compact frame.  Lots of veining and battle scarring that gives them that ancient look that they really are.  Like 10,000 to 30,000 years!  Will be a great set for a conceal carry or range gun.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on my Kimber Ultra CDP II.  Very cool look

PRICE: sold

Thanks Pete!

GG1133Crimson Red & White Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1133

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of Mammoth Tooth with rare white enamel and red dentine. Add pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.   While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ben!

GG1132 - Super White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1132

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Heel beveling and Mainspring Housing Pin notch can also be performed.

COMMENTS:  These are one of those rare sets where the main ivory is super white and the bronze colors and crackle give it almost a stag look.  These are very comfortable in the hand and very stable.  I have had these for over a year giving presentations at shoot ranges, gun shows, and stores.  The just have a very rich deep color that really screams real ivory.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.  Very cool set.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold


GG1131 Crackle Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1131

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Would not recommend beveling the heel since it would remove all of the blue in that area.

COMMENTS:  These beautiful blue crackle have a dead on book matching.  Not to many grips like these around and believe me I look and look for ivory exhibiting this color and pattern.  Sometimes it is a very steep price since it is so very rare. If you love blue, this is one of the best representations.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Shari and Happy Birthday!!!

GG1116 - Checkered Curly Maple 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1116

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: For a very long time I have wanted to offer my customers checkered grips at a price that makes them appropriate for the range and every day carry.  We all know checkering helps us with a more tactile feel.  It also adds confidence that we have a safe and secure grip on our pistol.  These grips make that happen.   But I didn't want to stop there.  Lets go for good looks also.  These were made from Curly Maple and its what creates that light and dark ripples in the wood.  That "shimmer" when the light hits them at different angles. I also did a polish to the flats (using my proprietary polishing file) to increase the contrast.  That file will be included with the grips to give you the option of maintaining the gloss or let them gather their own patina with each use.  They also have a slightly thinner profile to help small hands.  When I used them they felt great in the hands.  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: $95 sold

Thanks Bill!

GG1130 - Checkered Curly Maple & Meteorite 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1130

Material: English Walnut & 30 billion year old Meteorite

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones


COMMENTS:  Curly Maple checkered grips with Meteorite!  We inlaid 30 billion year old Meteorite, as a medallion, in to the center of each panel.  As you can see in the large picture(click on the small picture) a perfect etch has been achieved so that you will see sparkling crystals suddenly appear when viewing the grips at different angles.  Here is a chance to own functional art without spending $1,000s or even millions (e.g. Cabots Big Bang Meteorite pistols!) of dollars for a pistol that has parts made from Meteorite.  Grips that are older than the Earth itself.

Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Gerald!

GG1124 Heavy blue crackle on warm Mammoth Ivory - 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1124

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bevel the heel, etc...

COMMENTS:  These have all the colors a traditional set of Mammoth ivory grips has  (Green, Blue, Black, Bronze, Cream, etc).  These will make a very durable set you can take to the range over and over.  They also get that warm butter feel after 30 minutes of range time.  A great 1st choice or conversation piece with their complex colors

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Michael!

GG1119 - Schreger Line Lab Grown White Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1119

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  This cool schreger line white ivory was grown in a Lab not by an Mammal.  Then Muonionalusta Meteorite medallions were inlayed into the grips.  This Meteor impacted Scandinavia between Sweden and Finland.  It is considered the oldest discovered meteorite about 1 million years ago and is clearly part of the iron core or mantle of a exploded planetoid.

These grips have fooled several law enforcement officials whose job is to enforce laws on Elephant ivory trade.  Fine layers of white and cream colored material have been layered dozens of times to simulate the schreger lines of real ivory.  As you can see in the large picture(click on the small picture) a perfect etch has been achieved in the medallions so that you will see sparkling crystals suddenly appear when viewing the grips at different angles.  Here is a chance to own functional art without spending $1,000s or even millions (e.g. Cabots Big Bang Meteorite pistols!) of dollars for a pistol that has parts made from Meteorite.

Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jim!

GG1117  Warm bronze bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1117

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Nighthawk, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Great book matched set of warm bronze ivory grips that will make any color pistol pop.  Perfect for the range or daily carry, these have that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  Don't leave them in a dark safe.  Get them out to the range and show them off!  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks John!  They will look great on your Kimber Stainless II (they did on mine:)

GG1115  Black & White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1115

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colt, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Rare set of black ivory on a cool layer of white makes for a very dramatic set.  With it coming out of a coal and silver mine in Siberia, there is still small silver threads down the black bark.  Has that warm buttery feel, but looks like black obsidian.  I love this set.  Click on the Picture to see how dramatic it looks on my Ed Brown Special Forces Pistol. Will be very durable for the range or as a carry.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1111 - Classic Bark High Gloss Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1111

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Colts, Kimber, Springfield, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Near perfect book matching and high contrast, makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows are the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory. have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Doug of Elephant & Castle!

GG1109 - Warm Bronze & Crackle Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1109

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: These are one of those rare sets where we have a dramatic bronze bark pattern on white ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Great book matching, very durable, and the ultimate set for a daily carry or barbeque gun.  These have that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  Love shooting with them (and the attention from the other lanes!)  Just a very cool set.     

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works and how to buy them!)  Note: These files also seal the pores in ivory.  Protecting them from stains and discoloration!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jim G!

GG1105 - Molar surface of Wooly Mammoth - 1911 Gripsgg1105

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of Mammoth Tooth with rare white enamel and red dentine. Turn a stainless or a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.   This is a representation of the biting surface of a Mammoths chewing Molar and while perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Doug of Elephant & Castle

GG1088 - Matching Thula 1911 pistol grips and fixed blade knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1088

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS: Thula wood is a very rich and warm wood with many distinct birds eye knots.  It makes for a striking matched set of full size 1911 Thula grips & Thula knife.  Be sure to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale!

GG1086 - White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1086

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: These are one of those rare sets where we have a dramatic brown bark pattern on white ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Great book matching, very durable, and the ultimate set for a daily carry or dress or barbeque gun.  I have had this set in my collection for over a year months.  Love shooting with them (and the attention from the other lanes!)  Just a very cool set.     

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Alison!

GG1085 - Checkered Curly Maple 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1085

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Cabot Guns, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Has been cut for an ambidextrous safety and heel has been beveled.

COMMENTS: For a very long time I have wanted to offer my customers checkered grips at a price that makes them appropriate for the range and every day carry.  We all know checkering helps us with a more tactile feel.  It also adds confidence that we have a safe and secure grip on our pistol.  These grips make that happen.   But I didn't want to stop there.  Lets go for good looks also.  These were made from Curly Maple and its what creates that light and dark ripples in the wood.  That "shimmer" when the light hits them at different angles. I also did a polish to the flats (using my proprietary polishing file) to increase the contrast.  That file will be included with the grips to give you the option of maintaining the gloss or let them gather their own patina with each use.  They also have a slightly thinner profile to help small hands.  When I used them they felt great in the hands.  Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.


PRICE: sold (1 of 2)


GG1083 - Blue Mammoth ivory 1911 grips and matching fixed blade knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1083

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones.


COMMENTS: Rare blue cross-cut Mammoth ivory grips and knife combo set.  Even more rare is that the nerve roots are still intact at the center of both the grips and knife.  That is the 7 white spots seen at the center of the ivory.  This Wooly Mammoth must have been flash frozen, during the last ice age, for the nerve roots to be still intact.  You will be the cool kid on the block when someone comes up to see this rig.  Truly a unique set.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown.  I could go on and on about these and so I will end with just 1 word for them: "Special"

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Myron out in Aberdeen, South Dakota!

GG1080 Ton of color Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1080

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bevel the heel, etc...

COMMENTS:  These have all the colors a traditional set of Mammoth ivory grips has  (Green, Blue, Black, Bronze, Cream, etc).  These will make a very durable set you can take to the range over and over.  They also get that warm butter feel after 30 minutes of range time.  A great 1st choice into the world of Mammoth ivory or conversation piece with their complex colors.

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips.


Thanks Sam from Adel Georgia!

GG1073 - Blue Green & White  Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1073

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of Mammoth Tooth with white enamel and blue green & chocolate  dentine. Add pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my pistol.  The silver bezel further enhances the dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Adam!

GG1078 - White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips and matching fixed blade knife

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock gg1078

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory and a Case Colored blade that is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  Knife would make a great compliment to a Tyler Gun Works case colored pistol.  I have displayed and carried this rig at Tulsa Arms show & other local shows and it does get a lot of attention.  Both grips and knife will be very durable & will be a great investment since a matched set is seldom built due to difficulty in achieving a "match".  Don't forget to click on the picture to see other views off these grips and knife.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Norm out in Washington Utah

GG1076 - Officers/Compact Black Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1076

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips There are always 1911 owners who want ivory, especially on their every day carry, but the price is just out of reach.  I'm trying to change that here. Just basic pictures and description of a nice clean set of Mammoth ivory grips that will be very durable.  This price is below what you might find at a gun show and priced lower than anything I have posted in over 9 years.  Don't let them get away!

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Bill D.

GG1075 Sky Blue with cream peaking out - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1075

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Rare do we see white ivory under this kind of  blue.  For 4 hours I carefully peeled off the bronze crust to expose the blue and the result was well worth it.  I could go on and on describing these grips and how rare they are, but I will let the pictures do the talking.  Click on the picture to see these on one of my pistols!

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Chris Z.

GG1074 Cross Cut Star Burst Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1074

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  As many of you know, I have been building cross cut Mammoth ivory grips for Nighthawk Custom for over 3 years.  Rare do I post these on my web site and since I decided to publish a pair now I thought they should be the very best.  Beside the bright blue colors, these have a perfect book match star burst pattern in the center of each grip panel.  I also hardened and stabilized the ivory with a ceramic sealant making these more durable than any I have produced before.  I even inlayed a panel of aluminum between the ivory and the G10 backing.  The only way to see it is to look inside the bushing holes!  In my opinion, this is one of the most striking pairs of grips I have ever built (and that is well over 1,000 to date.)  The ultimate eye candy for one of your 1911 pistols.  Click on the picture to see these on one of my pistols.  Very cool look for any color pistol.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Bob.

GG1071 - Classic Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1071

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Near perfect book matching and high contrast, makes these a great investment. Vertical bark lines run just below the surface making them a very solid and durable set.  They just make a dark pistol pop and will do well at gun shows are the next barbeque.  The nice warm buttery feel may have your friend trying to walk off with your pistol.  If someone is unfamiliar with Mammoth ivory. have them see and hold these and it will be instantly clear why this type of ivory is always in high demand.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Great for the range.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks Mike T.

GG1064 - Rare Black & Silver Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1064

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: I attempted to create one of the most rare sets of grips possible.  From the coal & silver mines of Siberia, I found this section of ivory had actual silver absorbed into the surface of the ivory. Over 15 different lines of silver appear in the black lines of each grip.  Once I exposed the black and silver threads I then built the grips backwards by first creating the contour, then grind them to the proper outside shape and finally sand the backs flat (to the proper thickness) while maintaining the proper surface curvature.  The end result is a rare set of black and white ivory grips with fine silver threads running all over the black bark lines.  Really a cool set that will have you staring for hours and finding something new every time.  While they will be a very durable set to take to the range, they should also be considered an investment level piece of functional artwork.  For $30, you may want me mount them on 1 of my GripLocks to keep them in perfect condition while not mounted on a pistol. Allowing them to be a generational heirloom. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them mounted on one of my pistols!

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jerry! (You really wanted a "cool" set & that is one of the words to describe these)

GG1063 - Crimson Red & White Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg1063

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of Mammoth Tooth with rare white enamel and red dentine. Add pop to a stainless and turns a dark pistol into a barbeque gun!  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.   While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Jerry!

GG1061 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1061

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips Nice bronze on white ivory, this ivory gives you that warm buttery feel that only happens with real ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Nice color book matching.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Dennis out in Oregon

GG1062 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1062

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips Nice bronze crackle lines   Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Nice color book matching.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Art

GG1051 Vibrant Blue with dramatic bark lines - Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1051

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Ed  Brown, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  The most dramatic set of blues I have ever built. Multiple shades of blue with great color depth and then heavy black bark lines to give even more depth and contrast to the blue and cream ivory peeking in from the sides.  The price reflects that I am not sure I want these to sell.  In 10 years I have never seen such an eye popping set of grips.  My hope is that the other chunks of ivory, that these came from, will yield another 1 or 2 sets.  And to think it started out as slabs of brown crusty ivory that looked like drift wood.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. Truly investment grade.

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips. I even have a video demo on how to use it. So please check it out and tell me what you think. If you already own some ivory grips, this file will increase the value of that investment. A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Henry!

GG1047 - Officers/Compact White Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1047

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips These are one of those rare sets where we have a dramatic brown bark pattern on white ivory.  Click on the picture to see how they create a bold look on one of my pistols.  Great book matching, very durable, and the ultimate set for a daily carry or dress or barbeque gun.  I have had this set in my collection for 9 months.  Just a very cool set.     

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Joey

GG1042 - Intense White on  Black Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1042

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, cut for Main Spring Housing Pin

COMMENTS:  These are a bright white ivory even above Elephant ivory.  And with their rich browns and blacks, these are very rare.  I believe I have only had 3 (including these) in the past 10 years. I really love the look. Ancient and minty new look all rolled up in 1 pair of grips

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks Ken

GG1038 - Blue Ocean Coral - 1911 Full size grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1038

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Perfect Quill Coral from the depths of the Pacific ocean.  Clean, stable set of grips offers a change to other traditional grip materials.

 If you want to maintain that mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

 Thanks again Matt!

GG1034 - Cross cut Mammoth ivory in silver bezel - 1911 Gripsgg1034

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS:  Has cut in place for ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Beautiful book matched set of Mammoth ivory where the center is dark blue and it fans out to chocolates and bronze ivory rings.  Silver bezel adds great definition and protection to make these not only perfect for the local barbeque but at the range or daily carry (if you like to brag).  Definitely a one-of-a-kind set of grips.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material or Aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Myron

GG1032 - Bronze Cracked Ice on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1032

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Nice crackle lines going across the entire surface, these have a nice warm light bronze color on top of white ivory that makes them super rare.  I have had them on display in my office for several months now and just love the look and feel. Perfectly book matched sets like these don't come around very often.  Will look great on any color pistol, but don't hesitate to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  They just might appear on the cover of a magazine some day.  They are that good.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

 Thanks Floyd

GG1030 Creamy  Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1030

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, beveled & MSH pin notched, bobtailed, etc...

COMMENTS:  Nice cream set of grips with just touches of bark skating along the surface.  Will give that warm buttery feel, only real ivory can do, to the range within the 1st 2 mags.  Just a nice clean, durable, perfect alternative to Elephant.   Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.    If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold!

Thanks John B.

GG1027 - Dramatic Deep Black Brain Coral inlayed to Aluminum  - 1911 gripsgg1027

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

200 year old Coral from the ocean floor.

PISTOL TYPES: Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: N/A   Ambidextrous safety in place

COMMENTS:  I am always in search of new opportunities to offer dramatic and rare 1911 grips.  It is often called brain coral (scientific name is hard to pronounce) do to the round shape and growth pattern and it takes over 200 years for a fully mature "brain" to grow on the ocean floor.  Harvesting has come to an almost complete stop, but museum quality specimens are there in private collections.  Coral has been inlayed into Aluminum material for greater durability.

Grips will be very durable out at the range.  If you click on the picture you will see how they look on my pistols & how it totally changes the look of a dark or stainless pistol.  Grips still have their "Coral pores" open to help your grip & absorb moisture.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

 Thanks Chris K.

GG1022 - Cross Cut Mammoth Ivory with silver bezel - 1911 Gripsgg1022

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Great representation of cross cut ivory enclosed in a silver bezel that makes these grips very durable.  They are totally smooth and have a very high gloss that makes them well suited for a stainless pistol and lots of pop on any black or two tone.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Stainless Kimber. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks again Steve!

GG1021 - Blue Green on Patina White Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1021

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Just a really clean & warm set of Mammoth ivory grips with a blue green bark skating just below the surface of some really warm bronze & carmel ivory.  Will be extremely durable and likely to outlast you and the pistol they call home.  with some light blue greens at the top and bottom of each panel.   A very rich overall tone that will work well with any color pistol. These took a very high polish that will surely grab attention out on the range or in your holster. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on 1 of my pistols.  Great bark ticking that is another sign of true Mammoth ivory.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Darren!

GG1019 - Golden Mammoth ivory ivory 1911 gripsgg1019

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Nice Cream to Golden color gives these a look of well aged ivory in pristine condition.  Will matchup well to a color case or black pistol.  Perfect for a historical or safe Queen 1911 pistol.  Again, this level of white is similar 200 year old Elephant ivory.  Totally smooth, have a high gloss, and feel like warm butter in your hands.  This effect and appearance is why Mammoth ivory is so sought after.  Nothing else comes close.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These will like outlast your pistol no matter how many rounds are fired.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

 Thanks Mike!

GG1015 - Antique Blue & Warm Bronze Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1015

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Nighthawk Custom, Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  A rich looking set with nice Denim blues and heavy Carmel / bronze colors gives these a great set for virtually all black, blue, and stainless pistols.  Has a very ancient look, but with its high polish & smooth texture it also has that brand new mint condition look.  The color clarity also gives them a 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  Just a very cool looking set of grips.  Click on the picture to see them on 1 of my pistols!

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Tom!

GG1012 - Blue Veined on Warm Patina Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg1012

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Another cool set of nice warm ivory that has blue bark lines.  Will look exceptional on any color pistol.  Just enough turquoise blue veining to give "pop" to an otherwise traditional looking pair of Mammoth ivory grips.  This blue veining process takes thousands of years and yet the grips are totally smooth with a high gloss polish.  Great book matching took some effort to achieve, but I think the results were well worth it.  Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These will be an extremely durable set & perfect for an "Every Day Carry"

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Bob!

GG1009 Flawless Hawaiian Ocean Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1009

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Nighthawk Custom, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  A blast of ocean blues that will make a great visual impact on an any stainless or dark pistol.  After 9 years, and over 1000 grips built, I still get caught off guard when I start to sand the brown crust off and these types of colors are revealed.  Then to be able to make a book matched set is even more rewarding.  I never get tired of looking at Mammoth ivory in its finest.  Seeing them first hand you will say "wow!".  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  Even the back sides are a perfect clean patina ivory (see larger picture)  Truly   investment grade.  Did I mention that they are flawless? 

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips. I even have a video demo on how to use it. So please check it out and tell me what you think. If you already own some ivory grips, this file will increase the value of that investment. A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks again Dale...

GG1007 - Intense Blue & Natural Mammoth Tooth 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1007

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of blue veined Mammoth Tooth, contrasted and balanced by light tans, creates a striking set of grips.  Just a natural for a barbeque gun.  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  The black bezel frames out the Tooth nicely and gives it great protection at the borders and bushings.  Will have a dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Don't forget to click on the picture to see a larger view on how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Matt

GG1006 - Classic Bark Pattern Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1006

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release, Bobtailed, beveled & notched for MSH pin.

COMMENTS: These are a great example of  Siberian Mammoth ivory.  The brown crackle on top of white ivory gives them an ancient look of old tree bark (hence the phrase "Mammoth Bark".)  However, they are totally smooth, have a high gloss, and feel like warm butter in your hands.  This effect and appearance is why Mammoth ivory is so sought after.  Nothing else comes close.  These will be a very durable set of grips and so don't be shy putting them on your every day carry or every trip at the shooting range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These types of ivory grips tend to hold their value very well.  Especially with their high degree of bookmatching.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

 Thanks Curt

GG1005 - Classic Alaskan Carmel Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1005

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Nice solid Mammoth that has a heavy patina throughout the ivory with black, browns, and hints of blue.  A high gloss gives them a great mint condition look and will be a great set for a every day carry black pistol.  Alaskan ivory tends to be darker over Siberian and these are a great example.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Lauren!

GG1002 - Blue Crust Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1002

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  In some of your feedback there has been a desire to have a more textured tactical feel in the grips.  So in a first, I left some of the original brown crust & grooving that Mother Nature made during the thousands of years in was buried in the soil.  A great tactical feel, that will let you know your hands are in the correct position without visually looking at your hands.  A set of grips meant for some serious shooting at the range that just might become your favorite set.

Just a really unique one-of-a-kind set of Mammoth.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  If you want to maintain that mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

 Thanks Bruce!


Case Colored Damascus Knife with Matching White Mammoth ivory  1911 grips.akgrip4

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock & Bobby Tyler

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS: Crisp snow white ivory on both the knife and the grips make this setup special.  Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory and a Case Colored Damascus blade that is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  Beautiful copper, bronze, and blue frame colors in the knife gives it a very unique look and practical durability.  Really a cool setup.  Click on the picture to see other views of the knife and grips.  Blade is 4 inches long overall length is 8 1/2 inches, scales are book matched and silver pinned.  Grips and knife will ship immediately to their new home.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Darrell A. of Edna Texas

GG996 - Case Colored Steel 1911 grips w/ deep Bronze and Blues

IVORY: N/A (Made in America!)gg996

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Ambidextrous setup is already in place.

COMMENTS: That "Case Color" (hardened) look has been cool for over a 100 years.  Originally on Single Action Army pistols, the migration to 1911's was inevitable.  Republic Forge has some beautiful examples out on their Facebook page and on their web site.  We then started building case colored knives with matching ivory grips.  Now comes the next iteration!  Case Color Hardened grips.  Weighing just 5.7 Oz, they work well on any pistol, but have a nice pop on Stainless.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown.  The 20 curved grooves gives them a confident feel in the hand.  They are guaranteed not to fade or wear down or they will be reworked or replaced for life.  I new protection seal, previously only found on our knives, is invisible to the naked eye, but creates an extremely durable seal against UV light or the friction of the shooters hand.  If you have a blued pistol, it is begging to have a pair of these shoes.  Listen to your pistol, it knows best.

PRICE: sold!

  Thanks Gary J.

GG1000 - Officer/Compact size:  Deep Alaskan Blue Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg1000

IVORY: Alaska Inupiaq tribe

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact size grips.  This ivory is unique in that it was found by Native Alaskans.  Some live a very simple life and finding ivory, even in small amounts, provides significant income for their yearly living expenses.  Alaskan ivory is often darker in the base color, but often yields unique "blues" in that the climate is so different (wet and warm) when compared to Siberia Russia.  So it goes without saying that these are very unique compared to the blues I offer in Siberian ivory.  Nice warm set with deep sapphire blue veining makes them a rare.  Colors like these seem to match well with a conceal carry pistol.  Nothing too flashy to catch someone's eye while holstered. 

These have the square corner often desired by magwell owners, but I can put a bevel on the heal for even a softer feel.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on 1 of my pistols.  Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips. I even have a video demo on how to use it. So please check it out and tell me what you think. If you already own some ivory grips, this file will increase the value of that investment. A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold

Double thanks Keith!

GG999 - Black bark lines on Warm Patina Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg999

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, MSH pin notch, beveled heal, thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  I created good book matching by having equal amounts of black crackle lines and the result is good "movement and flow" to the overall look when they are on a pistol.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  These are totally smooth and up close an almost 3-dimensional look.  These will be extremely durable and will likely outlast your pistol.  Wilson Combat would put them into their "Bullet Proof" category of pistol options.  They also have that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Frank!

GG998 - Black ticking on highly white Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg998

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, cut for Main Spring Housing Pin

COMMENTS:  These are a bright white ivory even above Elephant ivory.  The light crackle lines give the grips great depth of color and look almost 3 dimensional when viewed up close.  They will look great on any color pistol and are an exceptional alternative to Elephant ivory.  I had not seen this level of white in years, but a recent tusk section revealed a few of these "white" Mammoth grips and so if you love that high contrast between the grips and a black or blue pistol, these would be a great choice.

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Keith!

GG997 - One of kind Tri-color Brain Coral 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg997

IVORY: Atlantic Ocean Floor

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:


COMMENTS:  I built these grips over a year ago and never could come up with another set with these great colors and so these are coming out of my collection as a one of a kind only.  The process to make them was so time consuming I am afraid that even if I found more coral like this I would not have the patience to attempt again.  Golden anodized titanium fused to the back make these super hard and super durable.  Just a really cool looking set.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols. 

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Paul!

GG995 - Carmel with touches of blue Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg995

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, cut for Main Spring Housing Pin

COMMENTS:  These have a bark pattern for those who lean towards the traditional look of wood or stag grips.  A nice bronze look, with hints of blue, and that warm buttery feel you only find with real ivory.  I then pulled out the lighter ivory sitting below the surface, and achieved some nice "pop" by having it appear on the outer edges.  These will be extremely durable and sure to add life to any black or bronze pistol.  Excellent choice for your 1st pair of Mammoth ivory grips that will have you staring at them for hours.  Amazing to have some thing be so new looking and knowing it came from something that is over 10,000 years old.

Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Mark!

GG991 - Emerald Green & Natural Mammoth Tooth 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg991

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Flawless set of blue & green veined Mammoth Tooth, contrasted and balanced by light tans, creates a striking set of grips.  Just a natural for a barbeque gun.  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  The black bezel frames out the Tooth nicely and gives it great protection at the borders and bushings.  Will have a dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Don't forget to click on the picture to see a larger view on how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Chris & Laura K.

GG992 - Classic Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg992

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: These are a great example of  Mammoth ivory.  The brown crackle on top of white ivory gives them an ancient look of old tree bark (hence the phrase "Mammoth Bark".)  However, they are totally smooth, have a high gloss, and feel like warm butter in your hands.  This effect and appearance is why Mammoth ivory is so sought after.  Nothing else comes close.  These will be a very durable set of grips and so don't be shy putting them on your every day carry or every trip at the shooting range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks John B.

GG982 - Crimson Red Marbled Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg982

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  This burnt red tooth has these looking great on both black and stainless pistols, and just a natural for a barbeque gun.  Remember to click on the picture to see how they look on my different pistols.  The silver bezel further enhances the dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Randy!

GG988 - Classic Patina Black Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg988

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Nice solid Mammoth that has a heavy patina throughout the ivory with black ticks that give these a traditional look.  A high gloss gives them a great mint condition look and will be a great set for a every day carry black pistol.  Flawless in every way, these will likely out last your pistol and make a nice investment as Mammoth ivory becomes more and more scarce.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks George B.

GG989 Officers/Compact Bronze bark on white Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg989

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact size grips.  Pure black and white ivory together on a single pair of grips makes these super rare and the ultimate eye catcher when it is time to show off your conceal carry pistol.  Will work well for all color pistols.  You are not likely to see another pair like these for a long long time.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on my Kimber compact 1911.

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Bob!

GG984 Officers/Compact White Bark Mammoth Ivory - 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg984

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact size grips.  These have had their heals beveled and their MSH pin notched to have them feeling good on a smaller hand.  Nice cream ivory, with vertical bark lines, just gives them that classic look of ancient ivory, but with a high gloss and warm buttery feel.  Nice white tone will add some nice pop to any dark or multi toned pistol. 

Do not forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Kimber.  Fine for every day use.

PRICE:   sold

Thanks Larry out in Verona Virginia!

GG981 - Dramatic Ice Crackle Pattern Mammoth Bark Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg981

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Colt, All Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Uselton, Volkmann, Dan Wesson, Wilson, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety or bob tail (Ed Brown).

COMMENTS:  One of the most dramatic effects Mother Nature can perform on Mammoth ivory.  Totally smooth, highly polished, white ivory, and a ice crackle pattern appearing just below the surface.  I kept these in my own collection for a long while because they are so cool to look at.  I love the warm buttery feel & the way it dresses out my Ed Brown.  Dead spot on of what takes 10,000+ years to create by Mother Nature and an example of what man cannot do.  An extremely durable set of grips that just might outlast your pistol!

Clicking on the above picture will show a larger picture of these grips. If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Patrick!

GG976 - Rare Midnight Blue Black Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg976

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones 

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, MSH pin notch, and beveled heal

COMMENTS:  There is a maximum security prison in Russia named the "Black Dolphin" and these inmates can be put to work in the harsh coal mines of Siberia.  This black ivory was found there.  Under different light these will reflect gloss black or deep blues.  It is one of those things that makes these types of grips so special.  Extremely hard to find ivory like this, they are just another example of how special Mammoth ivory is after Mother Nature has worked them over for a few thousand years.  With equal amounts of black on each grip, they have good matching and investment value.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  These are totally smooth and up close an almost 3-dimensional look.  They also have that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

 Thanks Tom.  If these are your 1st "blacks" you are in for a treat.

MG005  - Meteorite - highly reflective cross hatching (Widenstatten) grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockmg005

Material: Mudusala Meteorite

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

COMMENTS: The word "rare" is simply not strong enough for describing the uniqueness of these grips.  First we have to take in effect that they are not of this Earth.  Second, very few Meteors that impacted Earth remained intact large enough to build something like a pair of 1911 grips.  It took billions of years in outer space for the predominately iron and nickel metals to form the crystalline cross hatch patterns technically known as Widenstatten patterns.  These "patterns" are unique to Meteors and each Meteor has its own unique pattern (its own "thumbprint".)  Then a great deal of it burned up as it entered our atmosphere and collided with earth.  What remained, man found.  These grips were made from the Mudusala Meteor. 

I have worked several years bringing these grips to fruition and this pair has all the great qualities of a Meteor built into a functional pair of 1911 grips.  Click on the picture to see a larger view on one of my pistols.  There is a short video out on YouTube.  Simply click on this link: video 1  The demo can also be viewed by going directly to YouTube and typing in:  Meteorite 1911 grips.  The first video shows a pair of pistols Cabot Guns built out of Meteorite.  I believe the retail price for those pistols is over 4 million dollars.

PRICE:   $3000 sold

Thanks Dale!

GG971 - "Tip Of The Spear" Ebony and ivory 1911 gripsgg971

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Material: Black African Ebony Wood Alaskan Mammoth Ivory "Spear" inlays

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.  Beveled Heal and Mainspring Housing Pin notch

COMMENTS: Several months ago I did a project for a Marine Seal Team where all team members would have a identical set of grips that were custom for them.  I have a couple of extra sets to offer here.  Something to tie them to the Seal teams being the "Tip Of The Spear".  We have spear tips made from white Mammoth ivory that were inlayed into African Ebony wood.  18 line checkering is in the Ebony wood for better tactile feel.  Please click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces pistol.

PRICE:   sold    set 1 sold (Gerald L)                            set 2 sold(Robert W)

Thanks guys!

GG962 - Officers/Compact Sky & Bright  Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg962

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  I rarely see Brilliant blues such as these.  Be sure to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  A highly book matched set in a exotic blue with dark blue bark lines. They have an almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close that only can be achieved by Mother Nature, iron in the soil, and a few thousand years to alter the surface of the ivory.  Flawless in everyway, these will be very durable and likely to outlast your pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold

As always, thanks Dale!

GG967- Golden Flame Bark on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg967

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS:  I shaped and removed the outer crust of the ivory to reveal a cool looking gold ivory that almost has a dancing flame effect flowing from the bottom of each grip.  I just love these grips!  They will be very durable and easy to care for.  Truly a great looking pair of grips with maximum contrast to have them jumping off your black or blue pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

 Thanks David in Lincoln IL

GG965 - Fine Lined Bronze Bark on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg965

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Have been cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS: Perfectly book matched, these very bold copper/bronze grips will bring life to any dark pistol.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  These are totally smooth and 3-dimensional looking grips have that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.  Nice mint condition look on a 10,000 year old piece of ivory.  Mother nature does some cool things if given the time.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

 Thanks again Tom!

GG963 - Battle Scarred Bronze Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg963

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Mother Nature tried to keep this ivory in untouched Mammoth white color, but the Mammoth had other ideas.  These grips still show the original pits and grooves the Woolly Mammoth inflicted during battles will other other Mammoths and when rutting the earth to lift out vegetation food.  Wrap your mind around the idea that they ate over 200 pounds of food a day and the impact their tusks took as a result.  Bronze colored ivory in these scars gives them a nice secure feel in the hand and yet they still feel soft in the hand.  They will be an extremely durable set of grips that will only increase in value when ivory like this can no longer be found.  Great warm buttery feel will make any pistol hard to put down.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Ray!

GG961 - Officers/Compact Heavy blue veined Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg961

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Already cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  Another bold set of grips that is a great example of why Mammoth ivory grips are so in demand.  It took thousands of years for mother nature to put the Blue veining in the surface of the grips and allow me to make a grip that is totally smooth and have a high gloss finish.  The color clarity gives them a 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  Great book matching took some effort to achieve, but I think the results were well worth it.  Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These will be an extremely durable set & perfect for an "Every Day Carry"

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold

 Thanks Dale!

GG960 touch of bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 grips

gg960ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release. Or the traditional bevel and cutout for Main Spring Housing pin.

COMMENTS: Nice marbled patina ivory, with a touch of blue veining, give these an ancient look, and a mint look all at the same time.  These are also going to be a extremely durable set.  Great contrast will have them just "popping" of any dark pistol.  And while they are totally smooth, their high gloss gives them an almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. With their warm buttery there will be no reason to ever take them off your pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold!

Thanks John P.

GG959 - Midnight Blue Bark on Patina White Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg959

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Another bold set of grips that is a great example of why Mammoth ivory grips are so in demand.  It took thousands of years for mother nature to put the Blue & black veining in the surface of the grips and allow me to make a grip that is totally smooth and have a high gloss finish.  The color clarity gives them a 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  Great book matching took some effort to achieve, but I think the results were well worth it.  Not for the faint of heart.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold!

Thanks Rex

GG958 - Chocolate "Cross Cut" Mammoth ivory 1911 Gripsgg958

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Highly book matched, this ivory was cut as a cross section of the tusk and so we see the end grain like growth rings of a tree. They are inlayed into black G10 material that creates nice picture framing and will make them "pop" off of any black, blue, or two tone pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Totally smooth with a high gloss gives them that crisp clean look of color clarity.

PRICE: sold

 Thanks David!

GG957 - Light Ruby & Copper Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg957

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Mammoth Tooth from Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.


COMMENTS:  This tooth had such hot crimson colors that for the 1st time I used copper to protect the tooth and give the grips a nice warm look.  You can let the copper go patina based on use and moisture in your hand or keep it polished with a few quick swipes of my polishing file (I will include 1).  Very nice clean tooth that gives you the feel of how the tooth looked thousands of years ago.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material or Aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Albert!

GG956 - Sapphire  Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg956

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Just a great set of intense blues that are like a clean Sapphire.   These are a durable set that will upgrade the look of any 1911 and certainly add value since "blue" of this type is so rare. I also left just a touch of the outside crust so that you can see exactly what I see when working with raw ivory.  I do not know what I have until I start sanding this part away. These took a very high polish that will surely grab attention out on the range or in your holster. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Totally smooth, they have that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips. I even have a video demo on how to use it. So please check it out and tell me what you think. If you already own some ivory grips, this file will increase the value of that investment. A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks again Rex.


GG954 - Blue Green on Patina Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg954

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES:  Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Just a nice clean set of Mammoth ivory with some light blue greens at the top and bottom of each panel.   These are a durable set that will upgrade the look of any 1911 and certainly add value since there is nice "blue" in them. These have the square corner often desired by magwell owners, but I can put the traditional mainspring housing bolt notch in if desired. These took a very high polish that will surely grab attention out on the range or in your holster. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on 1 of my pistols.  Great bark ticking that is another sign of true Mammoth ivory.

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips. I even have a video demo on how to use it. So please check it out and tell me what you think. If you already own some ivory grips, this file will increase the value of that investment. A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Patrick.

GG950 - Warm honey & Blue Mammoth ivory 1911 grips.gg950

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Blue Mammoth framed by a nice warm Honey ivory gives these a soft look that should upgrade the look of any 1911 pistol.  If you click on the picture, I show how they work on a stainless and my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Rare to get this background color of honey with accents of blue/green.  They are a very sophisticated looking set of grips that have a warm buttery feel one gets only with real ivory.  These are unique as a thumbprint, no one will ever have a pair like these. 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Mark.

GG940 - Deep Ocean Blue, Classic Bark Pattern, Mammoth Ivory 1911 Grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg940

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro.

COMMENTS: To pick up the blues, be sure to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  A highly book matched set that has subtle blues under the brown bark lines. They have an almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close that only can be achieved by Mother Nature, iron in the soil, and a few thousand years to alter the surface of the ivory.  These will work well on any color pistol. Adding a almost sophisticated look.  Just a classy looking pair of ivory grips with that warm buttery feel you only get with real ivory.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look yourself, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Ryan A!

GG931 - Officers/Compact Bronze Bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 gripsgg931

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Colt, All Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson, etc. and all 1911 clones
MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. MSH pin notch and bevel on heal of each grip.

COMMENTS:  Remember these are Compact/Officer sized grips.  These highly book matched grips have a bold pattern of vertical bark lines that run just along the surface of the ivory.  This lets them be totally smooth, have a high gloss, and a 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  Just a radical set of grips that look aggressive, but actually have a soft and warm buttery feel you only experience with real ivory.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Kimber Ultra CDP II.

If you want to maintain that high gloss and mint condition look, just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

GG928 - Classic Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg928

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: These are a great example of  Mammoth ivory.  The black crackle on top of white ivory gives them an ancient look of old tree bark (hence the phrase "Mammoth Bark".)  However, they are totally smooth, have a high gloss, and feel like warm butter in your hands.  This effect and appearance is why Mammoth ivory is so sought after.  Nothing else comes close.  These will be a very durable set of grips and so don't be shy putting them on your every day carry or every trip at the shooting range.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These types of grips are starting to become rare since very little ivory has been making it out of Russia for almost 2 years and thus will hold their value extremely well (likely increase in a few more years.) 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

  Thanks Tom!

GG932 - "Cross Cut" Mammoth ivory 1911 Gripsgg932

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Highly book matched, this ivory was cut as a cross section of the tusk and so we see the end grain like growth rings of a tree. They are inlayed into a G10 frame that creates an almost indestructible pair of grips.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Totally smooth with a high gloss gives them that crisp clean look of color clarity.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks again John B

GG918 touch of bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 grips

gg918ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release. Or the traditional bevel and cutout for Main Spring Housing pin.

COMMENTS: Nice marbled patina ivory give these an ancient look, and a mint condition new look, all at the same time.  These are also going to be a extremely durable set.  Great contrast will have them just "popping" of any dark pistol.  And while they are totally smooth, their high gloss gives them an almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. With their warm buttery there will be no reason to ever take them off your pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold!

Thanks Zachry!

GG908 - Intense Solar Flare Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg908

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Mammoth Tooth from Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Has the header suggests, I think the colors are what we see in pictures of our Sun when solar flares occur.   The white veining is the hardest part of the tooth which created a jagged and uneven tooth surface for more efficient eating.  The black G10 bezel makes an even more dramatic effect and protects the teeth from chipping.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material or Aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks John

GG909 - Rare Bronze Bark on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg909

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, cut for Main Spring Housing Pin

COMMENTS: Very bold copper/bronze contrast that will bring life to any dark pistol.  Click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces while I was at the range.  These are totally smooth and felt great, but must have been a little thinner than I am used to since I was consistently pulling shots off to the right at 25 yrds.  Nice mint condition look on a 10,000 year old piece of ivory.  Mother nature does some cool things if given the time.

Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks Johnny

GG900 - Blue Mammoth Ivory 1911 Gripsgg900

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Nice soft blues with warm patina ivory forming at the head and heals makes these a nice book matched set of grips that will work well for any blued, black, or stainless pistol.  Great opportunity to add value to any high end pistol or historic pistol.  These have the square corner often desired by magwell owners, but they will fit any full size frame and I can put the traditional mainspring housing bolt notch in if desired. These took a very high polish that will surely grab attention out on the range or in your holster. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Great 3 dimensional look where a blue crackle pattern appears BELOW the surface blue. 

Check my new menu item "Ivory File". For $3 dollars, this file will keep that gloss and mint condition look on these grips. I even have a video demo on how to use it. So please check it out and tell me what you think. If you already own some ivory grips, this file will increase the value of that investment. A high gloss set of ivory grips often sells for $50 to $100 more than a flat/dull set of grips.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks again Dale!


GG895 - Crushed Ruby & Hawaiian Lava  Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg895

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Mammoth Tooth from Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.


COMMENTS:  Has the header suggests, I think the color of these remind me of crushed red rubies and the burnt lava Sue & I saw while we were in Hawaii years ago.  The grey & blue veining is the hardest part of the tooth which created a jagged and uneven tooth surface for more efficient eating.  The silver bezel makes an even more dramatic effect and protects the teeth from chipping.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material or Aluminum. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold to Jonathan C.

Glad to hear you and your friends love them!

GG890 - "Cross Cut" Mammoth ivory 1911 Gripsgg890

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Highly book matched, this ivory was cut as a cross section of the tusk and so we see the end grain like growth rings of a tree. They are inlayed into black G10 material that creates nice picture framing and will make them "pop" off of any black, blue, or two tone pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Totally smooth with a high gloss gives them that crisp clean look of color clarity.

PRICE: sold

 Thanks Larry D.  !

GG886 - Bright White Mammoth Bark Ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg886

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Colt, All Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson, etc. and all 1911 clones
Upon request, can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, extended slide release, and/or bob tail (Ed Brown)

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Such a bright white ivory is something I rarely see and is one of my favorite looks.  "White" book matching, with equal amounts of white ivory and black bark lines, these grips have the classic look of what makes Mammoth ivory so special.  Flawless in everyway these will make a great investment and give any black, blue, or stainless pistol a whole new look. With its high gloss, and totally smooth surface, these have a almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  The warm buttery feel will make it hard to put these down once their on your pistol. Be prepared to draw huge attention at the range. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These will be an extremely durable and just may outlast the pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Randy

GG888 touch of bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 grips

gg888ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release. Or the traditional bevel and cutout for Main Spring Housing pin.

COMMENTS: Nice marbled patina ivory give these an ancient look, and a mint condition new look, all at the same time.  These are also going to be a extremely durable set where I even polished the back sides (why?  because that side looks cool also).  Great contrast will have them just "popping" off any dark pistol.  And while they are totally smooth, their high gloss gives them an almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. With their warm buttery there will be no reason to ever take them off your pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold!

Thanks Gus!

GG887 - Dramatic Bronze (cracked ice pattern) Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg887

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: These have that ancient look one only sees in Mammoth ivory and the bronze flame colors makes a bold statement. Should work well to warm up any pistol and give your pistol a great feel in your hand that only comes from real ivory. Don't let the pattern fool you, these grips are totally smooth and highly polished giving them that 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. Unique as a thumbprint, no one will ever have a pair like these. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

Perfect for a everyday carry pistol or your shooting ranger "looker".

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Paul!

GG885 - Dramatic Deep Black Brain Coral  - 1911 gripsgg885

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

200 year old Coral off of ocean floor.

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: N/A   Ambidextrous safety in place

COMMENTS:  I am always in search of new opportunities to offer dramatic and rare 1911 grips.  It is often called brain coral (scientific name is hard to pronounce) do to the round shape and growth pattern and it takes over 200 years for a fully mature "brain" to grow on the ocean floor.  Harvesting has come to an almost complete stop, but museum quality specimens are there in private collections.  Coral has been inlayed into tactical G10 material for greater durability.

Up close, the viewer can see tiny "flowers" grown together to create this unique pattern.  Grips will be very durable out at the range.  If you click on the picture you will see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces pistol.  Grips are smooth and have a high gloss.  I drove "tacks" for 2 hours with these on my Ed Brown.  So they are good to go!

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks Gary, you are building a very comprehensive collection.  Much Appreciated!

GG881 - "Cross Cut" Mammoth ivory 1911 Gripsgg881

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  Highly book matched, this ivory was cut as a cross section of the tusk and so we see the end grain like growth rings of a tree. They are inlayed into black G10 material that creates nice picture framing and will make them "pop" off of any black, blue, or two tone pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Totally smooth with a high gloss gives them that crisp clean look of color clarity.


Thanks Larry!

GG878 - Patina Mammoth Ivory with Midnight blue bark lines - 1911 gripsgg878

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown)

COMMENTS:  Unique set of grips where the warm patina ivory is totally smooth, but just below the surface is blue vertical ticking (bark lines) that changes tone when moved from indoor light to natural outdoor lighting.  These will be an extremely durable set of grips that will last several life times and sure to become a good investment as this type of ivory vanishes. They will frame out well both black and stainless pistols very well and will definitely add some "pop" to any 1911. Great for your every day carry. These have that warm buttery feel and took and an exceptional polish so please click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) Fine for every day carry or out at the range.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Dale!

GG875 - Marbled Tactical Green Mammoth Tooth ivory 1911 Gripsgg875

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Mammoth found in: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Setup is in place for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS: Deep greens and that marbled pattern, gives these a great visual appeal.  Just a gorgeous set of grips.  They are totally smooth and have a very high gloss.  When taking them to the range, be prepared for the constant question:  "What are those?"  Silver bezel further enhances the dramatic effect on black pistols.  While perfectly smooth, the rich patterns give it a one-of-a-kind look that can only be achieved by Mother Nature and the ancient Wooly Mammoths. 

Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces. 

Wooly Mammoths had larger molars to help digest about 200 pounds of vegetation each day. The dark areas were softer and the light areas were harder. This created an uneven surface as they wore down and much like a cheese grater they made the molars more efficient. They fell out and were replaced with new teeth about every three years. Mammoth tooth grips have been made before, but I avoided them due to their hard brittle tendencies. This has now been resolved by inlaying the Mammoth tooth into tactical G10 material. They are now light weight, durable, and beautiful. Even more, these grips will over a few years begin to wear to your unique hand print. It will take a while, but it is cool to think about how your grips will form to your unique hand shape.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks again Bob

GG871 - Bright White & Touches Of Blue Mammoth Bark Ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg871

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Colt, All Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson, etc. and all 1911 clones
Upon request, can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, extended slide release, and/or bob tail (Ed Brown)

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Such a bright white ivory is something I rarely see and is one of my favorite looks.  The touches of blue add that extra kick to make them very striking & visual appealing.  These will make a great investment and give any black, blue, or stainless pistol a whole new look. With its high gloss, and totally smooth surface, these have a almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  The warm buttery feel will make it hard to put these down once their on your pistol. Be prepared to draw huge attention at the range. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)


Thanks Ronnie M. !

GG866 - Black Smoke & Honey Oak from my shop - 1911 full size grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg866

Wood:  Dan's Homestead

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.  Traditional Mainspring Housing Pin notch and bevel on the heals

COMMENTS:  I gave these a hardened gloss finish to bring clarity and 3-dimensional movement to these grips.  Be sure to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  The gloss finish was really hard to kill all of the reflections during picture taking.  I will be sure to include a polishing file so the owner can choose from a satin or gloss like finish (and change it back at a later day)

As some of you know, in 2013 a storm took down a 100 year old Oak tree that could have fallen on me in my shop or lucky for me, fell in the opposite direction.  Inspection of the aftermath revealed some interesting wood for grips.  As such I have recently started to build a few grips from extraordinary wood.  The rippled burled black offers a nice contrast to the honey eyed burl above.  Fully signed for those who are building a collection.  These have a Cerakote type finish making them very durable and a finish that looks like liquid glass

Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks again George!

GG846 - Warm Golden & Bronze Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg846

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  During the build, these started to have that warm buttery feel, and sun gold look, that I switched to working them totally by hand.  Four months later they look as great as I hoped.  Nice soft feel, highly book matched, totally smooth, high polish, and equal amounts of bark lines running from head to toe on each grip.  These define why Mammoth ivory can be so rare, unique and beautiful.  Great investment grade set of 1911 grips that will warm up any color pistol.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  I love the feel of these grips.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold!

Thanks David!

GG839 - Wooly Mammoth - Marrow 1911 gripsgg839

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Alaska by Alaskan villagers

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown), MHS pin notch $ beveled heal.

COMMENTS: This is a very unique material where under low pressure, the marrow is stabilized and yields a one of a kind pair of grips.  Be sure to click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.  Up close, a truly 3 dimensional view lets you look deep into the marrow yielding a very dramatic look.  Great book matching, and that stealth look on a black pistol, makes it look like you have a whole new pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!) Fine for every day carry or out at the range.

PRICE: sold!

 Thanks again Gary

GG824 touch of bark Mammoth Ivory 1911 grips

gg824ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release. Or the traditional bevel and cutout for Main Spring Housing pin.

COMMENTS: Nice marbled patina ivory give these an ancient look, and a mint condition new look, all at the same time.  These are also going to be a extremely durable set.  Great contrast will have them just "popping" of any dark pistol.  And while they are totally smooth, their high gloss gives them an almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. With their warm buttery there will be no reason to ever take them off your pistol.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on my Ed Brown Special Forces.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:   sold!


GG819 - Highly Figured Arizona Ironwood - 1911 full size gripsgg819

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Wood:  Hand selected at Atlanta Blade Show 2014

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.  Traditional Mainspring Housing Pin notch and bevel on the heals

COMMENTS:   Just a great presentation of why Arizona Ironwood is so desired.  I love the flow, rich warm colors, and general look on any colored pistol.  As the name implies, these grips will wear like iron & will be great for an everyday carry or on a presentation pistol.  Can be given the traditional notch and heal bevel upon request.

Fully signed for those who are building a collection.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Chuck!

GG804 - The "eyes" have it - Oak from my shop - 1911 full size gripsgg804

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

Wood:  Dan's Homestead

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.  Traditional Mainspring Housing Pin notch and bevel on the heals

COMMENTS:  One of the most unusual sets of grips I have made, I stopped counting when I reached 50 eyes in these grips.  Truly a one of a kind pair that has a warm honey tone background that will warm up any color pistol.  I doubt I will see anything like this again.

As some of you know, in 2013 a storm took down a 100 year old Oak tree that could have fallen on me in my shop or lucky for me, fell in the opposite direction.  Inspection of the aftermath revealed some interesting wood for grips.  As such I have recently started to build a few grips from extraordinary wood.  Fully signed for those who are building a collection.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Sergio!

GG800 - Light Bark on White Mammoth ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg800

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note:

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, heal beveled, cut for Main Spring Housing Pin

COMMENTS: Nice warm set of Mammoth ivory grips with touches of bark lines, these are very soft in the hands and have the look and feel of warm butter.  These will be an extremely durable set likely to outlast your pistol.  Great for that everyday conceal carry, these will go well with any full size 1911.  Nice mint condition look on a 10,000 year old piece of ivory.  Mother nature does some cool things if given the time.

Click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold

Thanks Samuel in the great state of Texas!

GG765 - Bright White Mammoth Bark Ivory 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg765

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Colt, All Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Dan Wesson, Wilson, etc. and all 1911 clones
Upon request, can be cut for a ambidextrous safety, extended slide release, and/or bob tail (Ed Brown)

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better(speed) access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  Such a bright white ivory is something I rarely see and is one of my favorite looks.  Near perfect book matching, with equal amounts of white ivory and black bark lines, these grips have the classic look of what makes Mammoth ivory so special.  Flawless in everyway these will make a great investment and give any black, blue, or stainless pistol a whole new look. With its high gloss, and totally smooth surface, these have a almost 3-dimensional look when viewed up close.  The warm buttery feel will make it hard to put these down once their on your pistol. Be prepared to draw huge attention at the range. Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These will be an extremely durable and just may outlast the pistol.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

Thanks Dale

GG758 - Heavy Bark Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg758

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: These are a great example of  Mammoth ivory.  The brown crackle on top of white ivory gives them an ancient look of old tree bark (hence the phrase "Mammoth Bark".)  However, they are totally smooth, have a high gloss, and feel like warm butter in your hands.  This effect and appearance is why Mammoth ivory is so sought after.  Nothing else comes close.  These will be a very durable set of grips and so don't be shy putting them on your every day carry or every trip at the shooting range.  I did a carry melt on all the edges to give them an extra soft feel in the hands.  Don't forget to click on the picture to see them on one of my pistols.  These types of grips are starting to become rare since very little ivory has been making it out of Russia for almost 2 years and thus will hold their value extremely well (likely increase in a few more years.) 

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  sold


GG738 - Dramatic Blue Brain Coral  - 1911 grips

ARTIST: Dan Chinnockgg738

200 year old Coral off of ocean floor.

PISTOL TYPES: Colt, All Cabot, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Uselton, Dan Wesson, Wilson, etc. and all 1911 clones

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.

COMMENTS:  I am always in search of new opportunities to offer dramatic and rare 1911 grips and here is a new first for me.  It is often called brain coral (scientific name is hard to pronounce) do to the round shape and growth pattern and it takes over 200 years for a fully mature "brain" to grow on the ocean floor.  Harvesting has come to an almost complete stop, but museum quality specimens are there in private collections.  I hope to offer more like these in the future.

Up close, the viewer can see tiny "flowers" grown together to create this unique pattern.  Grips will be very durable out at the range.  If you click on the picture you will see how they look on my Ed Brown Special Forces pistol.

PRICE: sold

Thanks Mike !!

GG700 - Dramatic Golden Bark on Patina White Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg700

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  I saw an opportunity, that if I worked these slowly by hand, I could achieve a highly book matched set.  These have golden bark on the heals and toes, and nice vertical bark lines that help define them as a classic set of Wooly Mammoth ivory grips.  This set will be extremely durable and will only increase in value in the future when ivory like this can no longer be found.  Great warm buttery feel will make any pistol hard to put down.  Don't let the pattern fool you, these grips are totally smooth and highly polished giving them that 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. Unique as a thumbprint, no one will ever have a pair like these. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)


Thanks Glenn in California!

GG676 - Compact Golden Bark on White Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg676

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety.


These have that ancient look one only sees in Mammoth ivory and the golden flame colors makes a bold statement. Should work well to warm up any pistol and give your pistol a great feel in your hand that only comes from real ivory. Heal has soft rounded bevel to increase comfort during concealed carry.  Don't let the pattern fool you, these grips are highly smooth and highly polished giving them that 3-dimensional look when viewed up close. Unique as a thumbprint, no one will ever have a pair like these. Don't forget to click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE: sold

 Thanks Glenn!

GG655 - Dramatic Golden Mammoth ivory 1911 gripsgg1074

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Siberia - Russia

PISTOL TYPES: PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety, bob tail (Ed Brown) or Kimber's Super Carry Pro. Thumb groove for better access to magazine release.

COMMENTS:  During the build, these started to have that warm buttery feel, and sun gold look, that I switched to working them totally by hand.  Four months later they look as great as I hoped.  Nice soft feel, highly book matched, totally smooth, high polish, and equal amounts of bark lines running from head to toe on each grip.  These define why Mammoth ivory can be so rare, unique and beautiful.  Great investment grade set of 1911 grips that will warm up any color pistol.  Click on the picture to see how they look on one of my pistols.  I just love these.

If you want to maintain that high gloss, mint condition look, yourself just ask me to include a polishing file for $3.00 (see Polishing file in the main menu to see how it works!)

PRICE:  Sold

Thanks Mike in Tampa FL!

AKGRIP 3  Blue Mammoth Ivory 

Blue Case Colored Damascus Knife with Matching Mammoth ivory  1911 grips.akgrip 3

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock & Bobby Tyler

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety

COMMENTS: Crisp & brilliant blue on both the knife and the grips make this setup special.  Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory and a Case Colored Damascus blade that is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  Knife would make a great compliment to a Turnbull blued pistol or one of Wilson Combats blued pistols.  A perfect match to a Republic Forge pistol since the same team does the bluing for their pistol and our knives.  Really a cool setup.  Click on the picture to see other views of the knife and grips.

I have been working on a grip & knife matching combination for a long time and it has finally come to fruition.  Blade is 2 3/4 inches long, scales are book matched and silver pinned. 

PRICE: sold!


AKGRIP 2 - Case Colored Knife with Matching Mammoth ivory  1911 grips.AKGRIP 2

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock & Bobby Tyler

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Here is another opportunity to own a matching set of ivory grips and "your emergency backup" knife that has matching ivory and a Case Colored blade that is razor sharp and ready to go to work if needed.  Knife would make a great compliment to a Turnbull blued pistol or one of Wilson Combats blued pistols.  A perfect match to a Republic Forge pistol since the same team does the bluing for their pistol and our knives.  Really a cool setup.  Click on the picture to see other views of the knife and grips.

I have been working on a grip & knife matching combination for a long time and it has finally come to fruition.  It will be at the Atlanta Blade Show this coming weekend, but can be purchased now and then shipped when I returned.  Click on the picture to see the grips on my Ed Brown pistol!

PRICE: sold!

Thanks Don R.

AKGRIP 1 - Bronze on white bark knife & 1911 grips.akgrip1

ARTIST: Dan Chinnock

IVORY: Russia, Siberia

PISTOL TYPES: Republic Forge, Colts, Kimbers, Springfields, Ed Brown, Les Baer, Cabot, Dan Wesson, Wilson Combat, STI, etc. and all 1911 clones Note: Some Cabot guns require special templates to make grips. They have sent me templates for all of their models.

MODIFICATIONS: Upon request, can be cut for an ambidextrous safety. Thumb groove for speed access to magazine release.

COMMENTS: Here is a sneak preview of the grip & knife matching combination I have been working on for a long time.  It will be at the Atlanta Blade Show this coming weekend, but can be purchased now and then shipped when I returned.  Click on the picture to see the grips on my Ed Brown pistol!

PRICE: sold!

Thanks John B.

While my specialty lies in Knife making and design, I have been building 1911 Ivory Grips for over 5 years, selling them at gun shows, to dealers, and through referrals. My Mammoth Ivory Grips for 1911 Pistols are handmade and designed to bring out the beauty and value of your pistol. Through my experiences with 1911 Pistol owners and collectors, I recognize that 1911 Pistol owners and enthusiasts are one of the most passionate groups of people. Whether you use your pistol for everyday carrying or merely for collection and display, my one of a kind 1911 Ivory Pistol grips are sure to increase the beauty and value of your pistol, while lasting for years to come.

About 1911 Pistols

Designed by John Moses Browning and initially produced by Colt, the 1911 Pistol is by far the most popular pistol manufactured today. Serving as an official military sidearm, this pistol has been used in several wars including WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. In addition, the 1911 Pistol has been and still is the pistol of choice for both civilians and Law Enforcement. Today, nearly every firearm manufacturer produces one or more versions of this popular pistol. With such a rich history, 1911 Pistols have a substantial following of both collectors and owners.

About Mammoth Ivory

The Mammoth Ivory used to manufacture my handmade 1911 Ivory Grips comes from the tusks and teeth of Wooly Mammoths. This unique ivory offers a distinct look and feel. As the last Wooly Mammoth became extinct over 10,000 years ago, the supply of this popular Mammoth Ivory is becoming more and more rare. Therefore, the value of your 1911 Ivory Grips, manufactured from only quality real ivory, will only increase in the years to come. If you are interested in buying ivory grips for your 1911 Pistol, contact me to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.

Why Buy 1911 Ivory Grips?

My custom 1911 Ivory Grips, handmade from real Mammoth Ivory, are the ideal choice whether you are looking to enhance the look and feel of your 1911 Pistol or to increase the value of your investment. These grips offer a number of unique advantages for both the collector and every day user of any 1911 Pistol.

  • Show / Display Purposes: 1911 Ivory Grips improve the look and feel of your firearm. My grips are sure to provide the desired “wow” factor when showing your prize pistol. If you are looking for a unique grip to increase the beauty of your 1911 Pistol, a one-of-a-kind real Ivory Grip is the ideal choice.
  • Increase Value: As the Mammoth Ivory used to manufacture my customized 1911 Ivory Grips is becoming more and more rare, the value of these grips is sure to increase in the years to come. Therefore, adding ivory grips is a great way for collectors to increase the resale value of a 1911 Pistol.
  • Everyday Durability: My Ivory Grips for 1911 Pistols are far from just for show. These grips are durable, designed to handle the stresses of everyday use. If you use your pistol for “everyday carry” or use it frequently at the firing range, my ivory grips are the ideal choice to improve the feel of your firearm. I never use ivory with stress cracks, therefore I can guarantee that my grips will not crack or split from normal use. If one of my ivory grips fails, I will replace it free of charge.

Handmade 1911 Ivory Grips

My 1911 Ivory Grips are designed to fit any 1911 Pistol. If you would like a customized ivory grip for your “bob tail” 1911 Pistol or 1911 Pistol with ambidextrous safety, please let me know when ordering. I can modify any of my grips free of charge to accommodate these, or other options.

Contact Dan Chinnock